Chapter 8

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When Tsuna got home he was immediately welcome by a deadly aurora coming from his house. He gulped and enter the house but was greeted by a his angry mom.

Then his mom pick him in his head and drag him to the room of Tsuna. Aluade, Knuckle, and Lampo was surprise.

Nana was abusing Tsuna again, another deep cuts, bruises, and wounds . Nana just smirk like she is admiring what he jus accomplish.

Alaude, Knuckle, and Lampo try everything there powers to stop nana, but seens they are ghost they can't do anything. So they just close there eyes and hope they were blind to not see what the hell Nana is doing to his own child.

Tsuna just suffer in pain until he let darkness came to him. As soon as Nana was gone, Giotto enter the room of Tsuna with a smile. But was surprise that he saw his guardian was hugging there knees and hearing them almost crying. Lampo and knuckle are already crying but Aluade was releasing a murderous KI (Killer Intent) ready to murder someone.

Giotto, Deamon, G and Asari appraoch them.

"Whats wrong with you guys?" Giotto ask.

"So-sorry Giotto, sorry if we can't do anything to protect Tsuna." Lampo said while crying.

"So-so-sorry to the Extreme primo" Knuckle said while crying too.

"I swear If I'm not a ghost I'll bite that stupid woman to death" Alaude said while his killer Intent is still on going.

"What the heck are you talking about?" G said.

Then Lampo point a his finger where a unconscious, bloody Tsuna was lying on the floor. Giotto approach Tsuna try to wake him up realizing that his own tear just fall.

G and Deamon is has an expression that ready to kill the person who behind this, ready to torture them to death and they will enjoy it, but sad to say they are just ghost. They can't do anything.

Giotto immediately bring Tsuna on his Bed laying him there peacefully, Knuckle when over to heal tsuna. But the result was just same, he manage yo heal the minor wounds, cut, and bruises. But the Major are still visible.

"Who the hell did this?" Giotto ask while his tears is still flowing.

"His stupid fucking mother" Lampo said.

"I swear, I'm gonna tear them apart." G said.

"Nufufufu~I'm with you Octopus head." Deamon said.

"That's if we could do that herbivores." Alaude said.

"How come my 10th generation family became like this? What did I do wrong to make my family like this?" Giotto said while crying, then he was amused to find that he suddently felt warmness. Tsuna was hugging him.

"Giotto-Nii san. Pls don't cry... I hate people seeing cry... Pls smile" Tsuna said.

"How come I could smile Tsuna? When infront of my eyes my great-great-great.. grandson is suffering and I couldn't do nothing." Giotto said.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine Giotto-nii san" Tsuna said as he let go of the hug and face Giotto.

"So pls don't cry, I hate people seeing Cry" He said while giving Giotto a smile.

"Tsuna" Giotto said. "How can he smile with those Pain?" Giotto think.

"You are one special child Tsuna, I wish your Vongola Decimo" Giotto said while smiling.

"Why? Vongola Decimo?" Tsuna ask.

"Were going to tell you." G said.

They all said that Tsuna was not in the Information that Iemitsu gave on Nono, but Nono said that Iemitsu was lying about you. And the chosen Decimo was Ieyoshi, your brother not you.

"But Ieyoshi doesn't deserve in that position. He is useless." Lampo said.

"The vongola that we build will fall from his hands." Aluade said.

"It will go down to the EXTREME" Knuckle said.

"Hey you guys, have a faith on my brother. I know he doesn't remember me. That I'm just there servant in the family but pls.. Give him a chance, you'll never know what's coming." Tsuna said with a smile.

Giotto tap Tsuna's shoulder and sighed then he face Tsuna with a serious look.

"Its not that we don't have a faith on him, but his intuition is weak, or even he doesn't have one. His sky flames are not that pure as you. And more importantly, A sky should be friendly, humble, gentle and gave everybody a peace of mind. Not like your brother who just make his own twin as a punching bag. A boss don't act like that Tsuna." Giotto said.

"But either way, I'm not the chosen" Tsuna said.

"But Tsuna, you had 8 flames in total, You could go to Hyper Dying Will mode without a bullet and also you had a kind heart. Your a perfect Decimo" G said.

"But what can I do? There is nothing. I might just go with the flow in my life" Tsuna said as he stand up enduring the pain. He quickly take a bath and clean his room, and went to his desk to start working as Sora27.

Either way the First Generation are still worried about how Tsuna will be the Decimo. they are willing to do everything to make Tsuna the sky. Cause Tsuna deserve to be the sky.

Its already 3:00pm in the morning and Tsuna was still working, taking request. But at that time Hibari was awake and start to online. He and Tsuna start hacking and working together, now Tsuna its won't be a pain anymore.

"That cloud26 is sure to be your cloud guardian." Giotto said.

"hn, a little herbivore like him should be your cloud guardian Tsuna" Alaude said.

"I told you, I'm not a sky. So I don't need a guardian. He isn't my guardian. He is my friend." Tsuna said.

"For someone who think that there guardian is not a guardian it self, but a friend is a perfect sky Tsuna." Giotto said.

"Nufufufu~I agree with Primo Tsuna."

"I also agree with the melon head Tsuna." G said.

"Nufufufu~ who do you think your calling a Melon head you octopus head?" Deamon said.

"Shut up you Melon herbivore." Alaude said.

"What are you gonna do weak Herbivore? Nufufufu~" Daemon said.

As the two started to fight. "What an idiot!" G said.

"Yare, Yare, Your too loud." Lampo said.

"Loud to the EXTREME" Knuckle said.

"Ma..Ma.. calm down you two" Asari try to calm both Alaude and Deamon.

Tsuna just smile and continue there work. Time check 4:39am, he start to take a bath, do his bento and went to school as usual as early. Then he realize that when he got to school a certain sky lark drag him into the disciplinary room.

"Sleep Tsuna, I know you didn't sleep last night. Your already online before 3 right?" Kyoya said.

Tsuna jaw drop, then he got his note pad.

[How did you know?] Tsuna show the note to him.

"Yeah, like your bugs Aren't obvious. Now sleep. Use my lap as your pillow." Kyoya said.

"Bu-but Hibari-Sem I-I mean Kyoya-" Tsuna's wrist was grab by Kyoya and pull him in the couch. Then he set Tsuna's head on his lap and start messing with his hair.

"Sleep Tsuna, is no good if you keep like this." Kyoya said.

Knowing Kyoya, he let kyoya touch his hair. "Thank you Kyoya" Tsuna said as he let darkness consume him.

"Sleep well Tsuna" Kyoya said while playing on his hair. He saw Tsuna's sleeping face. "Cute" he said, after an minutes Kyoya also fell alseep with his best friend.

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