T W O : E A R - N E C K L A C E

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Survival instincts. That's what ran through my mind when I shot up, and ignored the pain to knock the man down.

"Who the hell are you?" I shouted as I held the knife up to his skull.

"I save yer sorry ass and this is the thanks I get?" he snarled as he looked up at me.

"I didn't need your help thank you very much," I scoffed.

"Ain't what it looked like, maybe if ye weren't a dumb bitch then I wouldn't have had to save ye," he spat.

"I'm going to put this knife through that thick ass skull of yours," I kneel as I placed the knife closer to his temple, going back to swing into him when a gunshot erupted outside. My eyes widened, Sophia.

"Yer nor alone?" I ignored him and limped outside.

"Sophia!" I seethed and heard another shot. I hurried to the building the sound came from and swung the door open to spot her surrounded by three muertos.

I shoved the muertos aside as I hurried to her and grabbed the gun from her hands, sending shots to take them out.

"Are you okay?" I rushed out as I checked her for bites after putting the gun in its holster.

"I'm okay," she nodded with tears pouring out.

"Sophia?" the man's voice came from behind me.

"Daryl?" Sophia looked past me and spotted the man. She hesitated before hurrying to him and brought him in a hug. He remained frozen before awkwardly patting her.

"You guys... know each other/" I struggled to say as now my shirt was practically soaked in blood, and the pain grew as the adrenaline subsided.

"We're in the same group," Sophia nodded as she turned to face me.

"Well, guess I better go, stay safe out there Sophia," I nodded to her and began to limp out, but the man stood in my way. "You're in my way."

"Ye can't leave like tha," he shook his head.

"And why not?" I scoffed, growing annoyed at him.

"Cuz of that," he gestured to the arrow in my stomach.

"How about you mind your damn business?" I scoffed. "I have to treat it in my truck anyways, too risky if I pull it out."

"If ye can even get that far."

"You can't just leave," Sophia butted in.

"I don't do groups, kid," I peered at her past Daryl. "Listen buddy," I turned to the man and jabbed my finger in his chest. "I'm leaving, so unless you want an arrow in that head of yours, I'd move out my way."

I pushed past him and limped to the door. I swung it open and quickly closed it after spotting a giant herd not twenty feet away. I was quick in barricading the door and the muertos soon began banging on the door. Daryl ran over and tried to help before pulling out his crossbow and pushed me towards the little girl.

"Go! Get outta here!" He yelled at us. "There's a horse a few buildings over, wait for me there!"

I nodded and limped towards the back exit and Sophia grabbed my arm to pull me faster. "Wait!" I shouted and Sophia stopped, before I tossed my knife to Daryl. "Stay safe!"

Sophia went back to dragging me out and we eventually reached a house with a horse in the back. We piled in the house and I went searching for any medical supplies.

Empty, just my luck.

I seethed as I sat down panting in pain.

"What now?" Sophia caught her breath next to me.

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now