T W E N T Y - N I N E : A D M I T

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"Your flaws are perfect for the heart that is meant to love you" 


"There," I smile, finishing tying up Sophia's hair in a ponytail.

"Thanks," she smiles, turning to face me.

I look her over, and smile. She's grown so much in the short 10 months I've known her. "You ready?" I ruffle her hair.

She nods. "I'm ready."

I nod. "Remember everything you've learned," I say, as we begin heading out the prison to meet Rick and Carl in the courtyard. "Only use a gun if you need to," I list.

"I know mom, I know," she chuckles, shaking her head.

"Hey, I know you've ready, this is just new to me," I shrug, and spot Rick leaning against my truck.

"You ready?" Rick asks, pushing himself off the truck as we reach him.

Sophia nods.

"Ok, Carl's in there," he says, and Sophia heads into the truck.

He turns to me. "You sure you're okay with this?"

I nod, letting out a breath. "She needs this, I can't keep her sheltered."

He smiles, placing a hand on my shoulder. "She'll be fine, you need to stop worrying."

I sigh. "I know," I look up at him. "Just, watch out for her."

He nods, pulling out the keys to the truck. "I will, she's like my own."

"Be careful Rick," I smile, bringing him in a quick hug.

"I will." He smiles and hops in the truck.

I head to the gate and unlock the chain, pulling the gate open with Merle helping.

Rick drives through and I close the gate, keeping my eye on the truck, a part of me worrying about Sophia. I know she'll be fine, I know I'm overreacting, but I can't help worrying.

"Don't worry Darlin'," Merle licks his lips, smirking at me as he goes to lock the gate but I stop him. "Officer Friendly won't let anything happen to your daughter."

I smile. He hadn't called her my daughter before. "I know," I look at him.

"Why don't ya go inside? Check on my brother," he looks back into the field.

"Yeah right," I scoff. "Besides, I'm on watch," I shake my head, and untie the unlocked chain.

"I got you," Merle aims his rifle out to the muertos and pull open the gate, attracting the attention of them.

Merle quickly shuts it behind me and I run to the guard tower, our watch spot was on the catwalk, but I wanted to be in the tower, outside of those fences.

Killing any muertos on the way, I make myself inside the tower, closing the door behind me, immediately met with banging on the other side.

I walk up the stairs, and inside the tower, I spot the silhouette of a figure.

I open the door, it letting out a groan and sigh. "What're you doing up here?" I walk over the desk overlooking the field, plopping down on a chair.

He shrugs. "Just helping ye."

I chuckle, rolling the chair around a few inches. "I don't need your help."

He looks over at me, a brow raised. "That ain't true," he looks back out the field.

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now