F I F T Y - N I N E : C A G E D

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I woke up goggy and with a fever.

Last night was terrible as Merle woke me up at least three or four times to clean my wound.

I leaned my head back against the cold wall, cooling my body significantly.

"Morning," Merle looked over from the fireplace as he was cooking something.

"What you cooking?" I wobbled up from the wall and walked to him.

"Some squirrel," he said as he turned the fire out and put the squirrel on a plate.

"Eat," he held it out to me and I shook my head, pushing it back to him.

"I'm fine."

"Bullshit," he shook his head and placed in my hand. "You need to eat, for the baby."

I placed my hand on my stomach, hoping the baby was doing okay.

I nodded and quickly gobbled up the small squirrel as Merle watched me.

"So," I said, looking at him. "What's the plan for today."

"Search for the others," he said, and got up heading to the bag of supplies he brought back from the prison. "I'm sure they all made it out alive."

I nod. "I like that plan. What'd you bring from the prison?"

"Ammo, medicine," he said. "Food, water, heck even some arrows," he pulled some out.

I frowned. "Guess I can't use my bow now huh?"

"But I can," Merle smiled and put a arrow in the bow, aiming it at the wall.

I chuckle as I stand up.

"I found an extra gun," he held it out, after throwing the bow over his shoulder.

"Thanks," I smiled and put it in my back pocket, hoping Merle loaded it.

"Okay, I think we're ready," I say. "Let's go."


"We've been walking for so long Merle," I groaned as I wiped some sweat from my forehead.

My fever went down and while I didn't have all my health back, I had some.

We'd been walking for a few hours, and I knew we have about 5 or 6 hours of daylight left.

"We ain't stopping," he shook his head. "We have to keep moving and find someone."

"I can't keep walking," I sigh looking over at the trees.

"I'll carry ye if I have to," he shook his head as he ducked under a tree.

"Don't", I scowled.

"Then don't complain princess," he shook his head.

I sighed as a muerto approached us from the left and Merle quickly took it down with my bow.

He recollected the bow as we continued our journey.

We soon hit another house as the sun began to set.

My fever had come back, and I was growing weak.

We had only stopped to clean my wound once, and I feared it was infected.

I waited outside while Merle cleared it and I sighed as I looked back out the forest.

We'd come across a town earlier and there was no sign of anyone there.

It had been another full day without Daryl, without Sophia, and without Lee.

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now