F I F T Y - F I V E : W A R

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The Governor fires a shot with his tank at the prison, exploding a guard tower.

"He's destroying our home," I frown, the silence thick between Hershel, Michonne and I.

The group scrambles out different cellblocks, all preparing for war.

Rick and Daryl skid to a stop at the fence, panic in their eyes.

Daryl must have figured out by now we've been taken.

The governor stands on the top of the tank, a smirk on his eyes as he watches our group scurry around, like rats.

"Rick! Daryl! Get down here!" he calls them.

Of course, he probably knows about Daryl and I.

He's probably been stalking the prison.

"We need to talk!"

"It's not up to me," Rick shakes his head, his voice full of anger. "There's a council now! They run things!"

"Is Hershel on the council?" the governor asks, and his men drag Hershel out the truck we were stuffed in.

"What about Michonne? Is she on the council?" Michonne gets dragged out, her eyes hard.

"How about Clementine, my daughter, is she on the council?" I see Daryl freeze as I'm dragged out the truck, getting placed next to Michonne on my knees.

"Clementine!" my eyes shoot up to Daryl and filled with sadness.

"Both of you get down here, we need to talk," the governor continues.

"Haven't you done enough damage? Why can't you just stop-" I begin to say but get cut off when one his minions hits me over the head with their guns.

"Son of a bitch!" Daryl shouts, slamming his fists onto the wired fence.

"Get down here!" the governor chuckles. "Without your weapons."

Both of them hesitate, when they reluctantly put their weapons down and begin heading our way.

"No! What are you doing? Stop!" I shout, scared for both of their lives.

They remain silent as they continue to walk towards us, anger and frustration in their eyes.

"Let them go," Rick scowls as they reach us, separated by the fence.

I stare into Daryl's blue eyes and want nothing more than to be in his arms.

"Let them go," my eyes fly back to Rick. "I'll stay down here, talk as long as you want. But you let 'em go. You got a tank, you don't need hostages."

"I do," The governor shakes his head. "This is just to show you I'm serious, we don't need to bring a hole in our new home."

Rick clenches his jaw at his last comment.

"You and your people, they have till sundown to get the hell out of here, or they die," the governor continues.

Rick fixes his posture, glancing back at the prison before looking back at the governor. "Doesn't have to go down this way."

"I got more people, more firepower," the governor gestures to his new militia. "We need this prison," he puts his hand on his left hip.

Rick remains silent, refusing to back down.

"And there it is," the governor slams his hand against his thigh. "it's not about the past, it's about right now."

I look back at Daryl, fear coursing through me for their safety.

"There are children here," Rick shook his head. "Some of them are sick, they won't survive."

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