S I X T Y - T W O : R E C U R R E N C E

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Daryl's POV

"She's still alive you know," I looked over to Beth as we walked side by side, with my crossbow at her hands.

We had left the house some time back, setting the house to flames, burning away all the bad memories.

I remained silent, as I continued on.

"Don't you miss her?" she repeats.

I remain silent, the question stinging my heart, all the memories of her.

"What're you tracking now?" I did my best to veer off the question.

"It's big," she smiled, forgetting the question. "Might be a walker."

I nodded. "Let's keep moving," I began to walk.

"I'm getting pretty good at this," she smiled triumphantly. "Pretty soon I won't need you anymore."

I scoff. Like that's likely.

A small clearing opened up and I spotted a lone walker in the middle, gnawing on something.

She trained the crossbow at it and slowly crept up, until she stepped in a small chain trap and she plummets to the ground.

She sends a bolt in an attempt to take out the walker while I rush and take the crossbow from her hands, taking down the walker.

I rush back to her and check over her foot.

"Can you move it?" I look up at her while she clenches her jaw.

"Yeah," she nodded and I helped bring her up.

"Probably a sprain," I mutter as she wraps her arm around my shoulder for support as the two of us move on.

A few hours later, we stumble across an old funeral home.

"Could we stop for a moment?" Beth hisses as she pulls away from me and winces.

"You alright?" I look over at her.

"I just need to sit down," she bends over but can't sit down.

I look over at house and bite the inside of cheek before moving my crossbow to my front and bend down so slightly with my back facing her.

"Hop on," I say.

"Are you serious?" Beth asks and I look back at her.

"Yeah this is a serious piggyback," I smirked as I turned back around. "Get on."

She hops on my back and I huff under her weight.

"Your heavier than you look," I say as I adjust her to make it easier to carry her.

"Oh shut up!" she chuckles and hits my shoulder playfully as we keep walking.

I stop at a grave once I notice Beth staring at it that read "Beloved Father".

She hopped down and looked down at the grave with tear filled eyes.

I grabbed some flowers from the ground and placed it on top of the grave, and walked back to her.

"He was good man," I said standing next to her as she stared at the grave.

I knew she missed him as much as I missed Clem.

"Come on," I whispered, as I allowed Beth to hop back on and the two of us headed over to the house.

I knock on the wall loudly, checking to see if any walkers approach but none come out.

I'm still cautious at I enter the building to check for any walkers, and we soon come across a room that leads downstairs into a room where two corpses lay on a table in the middle of the room.

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now