S I X : K E N N Y

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Todays the day. I'm finally leaving this hellhole. I've been suffering for fifteen years, and I've finally had enough. Father was at the store buying more booze and it was only a matter of time before he came back.

I grabbed my duffel bag and headed downstairs. I grabbed some water bottles, some energy bars, and two hundred dollars for the road. I ran out of the house and headed towards the bus station. I arrived and bought a bus ticket to Atlanta, figuring it was far enough to escape. Goodbye San Antonio.

~Two Months Later~

Life was okay, my scars still stung and they were starting to scar over. I sat down and leaned against the McDonalds, closing my eyes. I heard something land in front of me and I opened my eyes to see a five dollar bill.

I looked around and saw an black man walking towards his car. I can't take his money.

"Excuse me sir?" I stood up.

He turned to me.

"Here, I can't take this."

"No keep it, get yourself some food," he smiled and got his car driving off, not leaving room for argument.

I stood there shocked but was quick to buy a meal and took it under the bridge where I slept.


I don't have enough, darn.

I sighed and leaned my head against the building. I thought I'd have enough for at least a four piece, but nope.

"Hey," my eyes shot open and it was the same guy from two days ago.

"Hello," I cautiously said.

"Do you have enough?" He pulled out his wallet.

"No, but I can't take anymore of your money."

"You're a growing kid, take it," he insisted and I hesitated to take it before grabbing it. "Where are your parents anyways?"

Quick, think of something. "They're dead. Been on the street for a few months now."

"Oh, where do you sleep?"

"Over there," I pointed to where I had a box covered by blankets.

"Oh, well I need to get going, bye," he smiled and left.

This eventually became a regular thing. He would come see me every other day and I learned his name was Lee. I was cautious of him at first, but after a while, I grew comfortable. After doing this for four months, he surprised me.

"Hey," he smiled as he walked up to my spot with a home cooked meal.

"Hey," I greeted and took the blanket he'd given me off.

"So uh.. This has been going on for some months now, and we're practically close now right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come live with me. I can't adopt you, not yet, but I can offer you shelter."

I froze. "You want to adopt me?"

"Yeah," he smiled.


"Because you're only fifteen, you should be worrying about when your next meal is going to be."

"I don't know," I hesitated.

"Come on, do you really want to keep living under this shitty bridge and in a cardboard box?"

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now