T H I R T Y - T H R E E : S A V E D

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I hear a faint rock song, recognizing it as Ace of Spades by Motörhead, and I know I'm close. I take off in a sprint, hoping to God I won't get there to late.

I eventually reach a spot, scattered with large mills. Where Rick met the governor.

I kick in the door of a small house and shut it behind me. I look around and spot Merle shooting a gun through a window.

"Merle!" I shout, approaching him.

He turns to me and growls continuing to shoot. "I told you to go back!"

"I couldn't leave you," I shake my head.

"Well here," he quickly reaches in his pocket, pulling out my pistol. "Might as well make yourself useful."

I growl and begin shooting out the window, hitting a few of my father's men. Just then a muerto grabs my arm and I struggle against it.

Merle yells out and pushes it back, slamming it into a set of doors and they tumble down. As soon as he takes it out, the governors men pounce on Merle.

"No!" I yell, aiming my gun at them.

Something hits me in the back of my head and I drop to the ground, my vision becoming blurry. I spot my father, run in front of me and grab Merle.

"Leave him to me!" he yells, dragging Merle back inside.

I crawl to the wall, spotting my gun.

I hear faint grunts as my father punches Merle. I reach out my hand and as I'm about to grab my gun, the governor sends his feet on my hand.

I yell and Merle quickly tackles him, shoving his knee into his groin.

The governor bends over for a split second before rebounding and I look over to see my father pin Merle against something and I hear the terrifying sounds of a bone snapping.

I cringe as Merle screams in pain. The governor then bites off two of Merle's fingers, spitting them out quickly and shoves him on a metal table.

The governor clicks his gun, aiming it at Merle and my heart skips a beat.

"I ain't gonna beg," Merle says, the defeat clear in his voice. "You hear me? I ain't gonna beg!"

"I know," he says darkly, aiming the gun at Merle's heart.

Time seems to freeze as I shoot up, grabbing Michonne's katana and send it into my father, the sword lodging in his shoulder. At the same time, a shot rings out and I hear Merle cry out. I look over at him and see blood staining his arm. He was shot.

The Governor cries out in pain and I pull out the sword. I go to stab him in the neck when he kicks me back. I fall backwards and a hard piece jabs my back.

I shriek, clutching my back, spotting my father dashing out the door. I glance at Merle before shooting up and running after him.

He's not escaping me. I quickly catch up to him, tackling him to the ground, the two of us sending punches at each other as we tumble to the ground.

I land on top of him, and begin swinging my fist back and forth across his face, enjoying every crunch. I go to send another punch when he suddenly swings a beer bottle at me, the glass shattering on my face.

I fall to the side and spot my gun, and immediately reach for it.

I then feel a sharp pain in my thigh and I look to see a knife lodged in it. I scream out, and yank it out, sending it in my father's lower abdomen.

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now