T W E L V E : B A I T

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"Sophia!" I yell, as I run in the direction the noise came from, ignoring the shooting pain in my ankle. I clear a pile of cars, and I spot Sophia, with a muerto taking a bite from her hand.

No, no, this can't be happening.

"No!" I shout, shooting the muerto.

"Sophia," a few tears escape as I reach her.

"Let me die," she sobs, looking up at me.

"I can't," I shake my head. "Rick, your belt!" I yell. He nods, taking it off, and hands it to me.

I take it and wrap it around Sophia's arm. "Carl, your ax!" I look at him. His eyes widen, looking down at the ax. "Now!" He jumps, and hands it to me. I stand up and raise it.

I close my eye, taking a breath. "I'm sorry," I cry, bringing the ax down. She screams as blood begins pouring out.

I bring it up again, and send the ax down, completely cutting her hand off. Blood gushes out and she looks at it, passing out from shock. "I need something to stop the bleeding," I yell, kneeling and bring Sophia to my chest.

"Clementine," I look up and Hershel holds out some bandages and some alcohol.

"Ok, ok," I nod taking it. I unscrew the alcohol and grab her arm, pouring the alcohol over it. Shaking, I grab the bandages and wrap her stump.

Daryl breaks through the trees and runs over to us, clutching his crossbow. "What happened? Heard screaming and-"his eyes stop at us and he freezes. His eyes dart from my bloody shirt to Sophia passed out, to her hand lying next to her. Then they spot the dead muerto and his eyes harden.

"Who the hell was on watch?" he growls, looking over the group.

"I was," T-Dog steps forward shaking his head. "I didn't see the walking, I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault," I say, barely above a whisper. I wrap my arms around her limp body and pick her up. "We need to put her in the truck."

I hear a gasp, and I spot Maggie and Glenn reach us. Shock covers their faces.

"Lay her here," Hershel nods, opening my truck door. I set her down and turn to Rick.

"We need to leave, it's not safe here."

He nods. "Alright everyone, let's head out." I go and collect my arrows and head to my truck.

"Let me drive," Rick stops me as I open the door. I hesitate but nods, handing him the keys.

I slide in the back and lift Sophia's head, placing it on my lap. I stroke her hair. "I'm so sorry this happened to you," I whisper.


A house comes into view and I pull an arrow from my quiver, taking Sophia's head off my lap. The truck comes to a stop, and I hop out, limping to the house. "Clementine wait!" Rick shouts, heading towards me.

I ignore him and kick the door open, killing a lone walker. I look around and spot a fireplace, heading towards it. Rick steps in and sends me a quick glare before going to search the rest of the house with the others.

I pull out my lighter and put it against the logs. It lights up, forming a small fire and I smile. My eyes dart around and I spot some iron rods. I sigh and grab one, placing the tip in the fire.

I walk out the house and pick up Sophia from my truck, careful not to wake her. Her bandages are fully soaked and I cringe. I hope it's not infected.

I carry her inside and lay her on the floor, feet away from the fireplace. "What're you doing?" Rick asks from behind me as I tear out pages from books to make the fire bigger.

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