F O U R : A C C E P T A N C E ?

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Real quick loves, I know this beginning is unrealistic, but bear with me okay? Thanks besties!

"Stop!" Was all I could scream as I felt the whip beat my back.

"What was that?" My father snarled as he got in my face.


He scowled and sent another whip across my face, which left a sting. I closed my eyes and he chuckled as he got in my face.

"Seems like this isn't enough for you," he sent another.

My eyes then widened when I realized what he was going to do. My back was still singed from the last time.

He poured some kerosene on my back, always just enough to hurt me badly but never kill me.

I closed my eyes and the only comfort I had was knowing he'd kill the flames before it killed me.

Then I felt it, and a scream erupted from me as the flames ate away at the already singed skin.

"You need to wake up! Ain't nobody gonna ever love you," he shouted.

"No stop!"

"Wake up!" I woke up breathless and spotted Daryl shaking me.

He pushed himself back with wide eyes as I tried to catch my breath.

"Shit, shit, I'm sorry," I told him, placing a hand on my forehead.

"S'okay," he slowly said, sitting down on his bed. "Ye alright?"

"Does it look like it?" I sarcastically said.

"Ye look peachy to me," he snapped back as he laid on his cot, turning his back to me.

"I-I'm sorry," I sighed but he didn't move or reply to it. "What time is it?"

"Seven thirty," he mumbled.

"Shit, I overslept," I scowled as I threw my boots on and walked out the tent.

Carol was hanging clothes and I spotted the other members around the campfire eating breakfast.

"Morning," T-Dog smiled as I walked up.

"Why didn't anyone wake me?"

"You only overslept by like what, thirty minutes? Anyways, when was the last time you slept like that?" He chuckled as he passed me a plate.

"Too long," I replied with a smile as I began eating.

"Oh, Rick wanted to talk to you," he said as he left.

Once I finished eating, I licked my fingers clean and went to Hershel's house. When I got in, I heard mumbling in the kitchen and I hid behind the door frame to listen in.

"I don't know Rick, she could be a scout from another group," Shane said.

"She may have brought Sophia back, but I don't trust her," Lori agreed. Okay, fuck you too.

"Look, we just met the girl, she brought us Sophia, we aren't locking her up and we should give her a chance," Rick said and I smiled at him defending me.

"I want her gone," Shane got in Rick's face.

"You could've just told me, I'll be outta your hair before you know it," I interrupted them.

"Excellent," Shane stepped towards me.

Try anything asshole and I'll kick your ass.

"No," Rick sighed as he put his hand against Shane to stop him. "You're not leaving, we need you Clementine, and you need us."

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now