S E V E N T Y : A W A K E N I N G

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Clem's POV

My eye flutters open and I take in the room.

I was no longer in the operating room, instead I was in the room where both Merle and I were using.

I groaned as I sat up, and I looked down at my hand, or my new robotic hand.

I raised it, completely shocked it moved.

I thought of moving my fingers my eyes, and the fingers on the hand moved. I thought of making a fist, and a fist formed.

I thought of swinging it around and it did.

I let out a happy chuckle as I put my hand on my head, feeling around for a scar.

I felt a small hole on the far left of my skull, and was relieved to feel that the hole really was the size of a penny.

"Merle?" I called out, suddenly realizing he wasn't in the room.


"Merle?" I repeated and pushed myself off the bed, bending down to search for my boots.

I put them on after finding them and searched the room, but it was completely empty.

"What the fuck Merle," I sighed as I walked to the front door and opened it, only to come face to face with the Commander, alongside K.

"Ah Clementine, I see your awake," he nodded at me, giving a slight smile.

"I just woke up," I nodded and took a step back.

"We just wanted to come check on you," he said.

"I'm fine," I quickly answered. "But where's Merle?"

Silence overcame them and the Commander clenched his jaw.

Uh oh.

"Why don't we sit down Clementine," he entered the room after collecting himself and sat down on a chair next to a small coffe table while I cautiously sat down on the chair across from him.

"What's going on?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion, looking over at him and K.

"Something happened, during the surgery," the Commander sighed.


He's dead.

"Walkers broke in, and made their way to the medical office," he sighed. "They got into the room and it was only White, meaning Merle was the first one to fight them. He got bit, right on the shoulder, so we couldn't save him."

"What the hell!" I hissed, shooting up from my seat as thousands of emotions ran over me.

"This is supposed to be a secure base is it not?!" I screamed at him. "Those muertos should've been taken care of on the spot! How the hell did they get into the room?"

"There was a breach in the back," the Commander shook his head. "They managed to get over the wall."

"Fuck," my voice cracked as I plopped back on the seat, running my hands through my hair as my vision got blurry.

"He didn't suffer," K locked eyes with me. "He told us to keep you safe, and then we took care of him before he could turn."

"He can't be dead," I cried as I buried my head in my hands.

How'd we get here?

How'd we get to the point of losing everyone at any given moment when just weeks ago we were happy back at the prison.

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