T W E N T Y : O L D - F A C E S

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I walk along the railing of the guard tower, clutching the rifle.

I didn't have my bow since I don't have any arrows anyways.

It's the morning, Glenn and Maggie were supposed to be on watch right now but since I left Daryl to do it alone last night, I decided to at least have watch in the morning.

The door to the tower creaks open and I turn, meeting his eyes.

"What is it?" I ask, looking back out.

"What're ye doin on watch?" he hides something behind his back.

I raise a brow. "Because I ditched you last night, decided I should do something." I pause. "What you got there?" I gesture to his hands behind his back.

"This," he says, and brings them to his front, revealing the items.

There in his hands are my cap and a few of my arrows.

I let out a small laugh, walking towards him.

"My hat!" I grin, taking it from his hands and putting it on.

It had some muerto blood on it, but I didn't mind. It was the only piece of Lee I still had.

"And yer arrows," he holds them out.

"Thank you," I smile, taking them.

He shrugs.

"When'd you find my cap?" I ask, I couldn't find it yesterday.

"Yesterday, when we went searching for everyone right after the breach." He shrugs.

"Well thank you. I don't know what I would've done if I lost this hat," I smile, a tear forming.

His hand reaches out, and heads toward my check, almost as if he was going to wipe it away.

But he quickly scowls and pulls it back, curling his fingers. "Sorry," he scowls, and turns around to leave.

"It's fine," I sigh.

I watch as he leaves, shutting the door and I growl, turning around, punching the desk.

Why did everyone pretend to love me?

I grin down at the baby, as I hold the bottle up. I was in Rick's cell, which was were the baby slept.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" I look up to spot Hershel hopping towards us.

I let out a laugh, grinning down at the newborn. "Yeah, it's amazing, most babies are pretty ugly this soon after birth."

"I mean, they're heads are always so big, and they typically have little hair. They look like little aliens or something," I chuckle, rocking the baby.

"But not her," I shake my head.

"That is true I guess," Hershel shrugs, grinning.

"What was it like, when Maggie and Beth were babies?" I ask, looking up at him.

"It was the typical baby thing. Crying at three in the morning, changing the diapers, throw up on your shoulder, you know," he hops closer.

"It's not going to completely fun," I shake my head, staring into the baby's eyes. "But it'll be nice, having something new around."

"Yeah," Hershel grins at me, a hint of something.

"What?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I bet you're excited for that huh?" he gestures to the baby.

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now