S E V E N T E E N : P R I S O N E R S

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"The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow."

~Bob Marley

"Hershel, Maggie, Glenn, T-Dog, Daryl, Clementine and I are going to clear out the cell blocks and search for anything useful," Rick announces to us as we all approach a table.

I laugh. "That's a lot of names, why don't we like, come up with a nickname?"

"Oh! The fantastic four!" Glenn grins.

"Glenn, there's seven of us. Come on, you're supposed to be smart," I chuckle.

"And you're supposed to have like twenty donkeys," he smirks at me.


"Guys!" Rick interrupts us. "Let's focus please."

T-Dog stares at the guards uniform, covered in rotten flesh.

"I'll pass on that," I groan as he holds it up.

"Why don't we just boil the uniforms?" he asks, wanting to use the armor.

"There's not enough firewood, besides," Daryl says, picking up a bat. "We've survived this long without anything."

I look back to the table, and pick up my hatchet. I load arrows into my quiver and make sure I have my knives in my boots, just incase anything happened.

"Daryl, Clementine, the front," Rick orders.

With a scowl, I go to the front of the little huddle of us, next to Daryl.

We head into the tombs, and Glenn sprays white arrows leading to the cell blocks every ten feet. At least we know where to go incase anything happens.

Carcasses are littered across the floor, with blood spatters on the walls.

The smell is unbearable.

It's even worse than out there.

"This is like a horror movie," I whisper, clutching my hatchet.

Maggie and Glenn begin gagging. "I've seen one like this before," Glenn coughs.

Then, snarls fill the air.

Both Daryl and I aim our bows at the muertos and begin shooting, until we realize we wouldn't be able to make a dent.

"Run!" I shout, as we begins running along the carcasses, trying to escape the undead.

We soon get separated from Glenn and Maggie.

Hershel panics, and we pull him into a small closet, barely big enough for the five of us.

I stand in the corner, with Daryl next to me, The back of his hand presses against my outer thigh, and I bit my lip, deciding not to say anything.

Eventually, the muertos walk away, and Rick slowly opens the door.

"We have to find Maggie and Glenn," Hershel whispers.

We pile out, and begin looking for the couple. We continue walking, with Rick and I up front.

Then I hear it.

A scream.

My eyes dart around, and Hershel isn't around.

"Hershel!" I scream and we run in the direction of the noise.

We round a corner, and there's a muerto taking a bite out of his leg.

Rick shoots it, and Rick and Glenn pick up Hershel, with me and Daryl shooting muertos approaching.

"Let's go!" Rick orders and he leads us to a set of closed doors.

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