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"This guy touched you?" Rick asked for the millionth time.

"Yes," I whispered. I hated telling them my past, but I had no choice.

"See? We've got to kill him!" Shane and I sent a glare at him. Fucking hypocrite.

"The whole group has to decide on this, they don't need to know about your past Clem, but I'm going to try my best," Rick looked at me.

"Thank you, but you know Dale is going to be a pain in the ass right?"

"I'm always going to have a fight with Dale," he smiled in an attempt to lighten the mood, but it doesn't work.

"Daryl, you uh... got those wounds cleaned up right?" He sighed as he changed the subject.

"Yeah," Daryl lied.

"I need to have a private word with Shane," Rick said, excusing the both of us and we headed out the house.

"C'mon," I mumbled as we headed to Daryl's tent and whale he sat on a log next it, I grabbed my bag containing my first aid kid.

I sat next to him and grabbed his hands, to which he stiffened but relaxed shortly after. I poured some water and grabbed the peroxide.

"I uh.. Thank you, for earlier," I told him.

"Nah, don't thank me for that shit," he ever so slightly winced as I poured the peroxide over the wound.

"Still, thank you," I smiled and wrapped his fists.

I felt a yawn and couldn't hold it back, rubbing my eyes as I put the stuff back in my bag.

"Get some rest, I'll wake ye when we do something about James," Daryl stated.

"I will," I whispered and laid down, letting myself fall asleep.

"Clem, you got anymore squirrel?" Kenny asked across me. I looked up at my squirrel cooking over the fire.

"Here, take mine," I held it out.

"Clementine, you need to eat," Lee sighed, sitting on the log across from me.

"It's fine," I waved him off, knowing I could just go hunting late. I bent back down and continued to cook Lee's.

"So, I was thinking," my eyes dart up to Kenny. "Tomorrow, we start heading to Wellington."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, he'd been trying to get us to go there the past few days.

"Kenny, we already went over this," Lee sighed.

"Besides, we can't go with the way my leg is," I sided with Lee. I had fallen earlier that day from a two story house and I would probably need to operate on myself to fully access if there were bone fragments.

"Even more of a reason to go! They can fix your leg there!" He urged.

"That's a two week walk with no stops. It'll take longer and we'll need to stop for a place to sleep, search for food, water and supplies," I told him as I handed Lee his squirrel.

"How's your leg sweetpea?" Lee softly asked as I sat next to him and leaned against him.

"Still hurts, I can probably operate on it tomorrow."

"No, no I don't you doing that," he shook his head.

"Lee, it's okay, I've been through worse," he froze but quickly shook it off at my comment. I had told him the truth about my parents about six years ago, a few days before my thirty-sixth birthday.

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now