F O R T Y - T H R E E : S I C K N E S S

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"Clementine, come on," Merle says sadly, picking me up from the ground.

I shove him back, glaring at him. "He's your damn brother!"

He shakes his head. "Dixons don't-"

"Clem?" I turn around and spot Daryl coughing, emerging from the building.

"Daryl!" I yell and run to him, embracing him in a tight hug.

He wraps his arms around me. "Ye can't get rid of me that easily."

"You scared the shit out of me," I smile, wiping the tears away.

"Well I'm here now," he says. "I ain't ever gonna leave ye."


We pull to a stop in the courtyard, the sun has just set.

I hop out my truck and head to where Daryl was, getting off his bike.

"Hey," I say.

He sends a light smile.

"What's wrong?" I question and grab his hands, placing them on my waist.

"Just tired of losing people," he sighs.

I let out a breath. "I didn't want him to turn. Zach didn't deserve that."

He nodded. "He was a good man."

"Do you want me to go tell Beth?" I look up into his blue eyes.

"Nah, I'll go tell 'er, ye go get some rest," he says, kissing my forehead.

I nod and walk to our cell while Daryl goes to Beth's to tell her the bad news.

I lay on the bed after changing and stare at the ceiling, looking over the cracks in the ceiling.

Daryl comes in shortly after and plops down next to me, immediately bringing me into his chest.

"How'd she take it?" I said glumly, drawing little circles on his chest.

"Fine," he muttered. "Girl didn't cry."

"She doesn't cry anymore," I smile sadly.

"Can I ask ye to do something?" he whispers.

I bend my head up, looking at his eyes fixed on the ceiling.

"I need ye to stay in the prison, no more runs."

I sigh. "You know that's not possible."

"Please? Ye can't go around getting yerself in danger anymore, ye got a little human growing in ye. What if today that walker bit ye? Please, at least stay in the prison at least until the baby is born."

I scoff. "Nine months is too long Daryl."

"Ten months."

I shake my head. "Michonne and you need my help, we need to find him."

"Ye can't put all that on ye, it's not yer job to bring him to justice."

"Then why do I feel like it is? I feel like it's my job to ensure that he doesn't hurt anyone else."

Silence overcomes us as we don't continue the conversation.

"Get some rest Clementine," he grumbles after a while and turns his body so it faced me, closing his eyes right away.

I yawn and dig deeper into his arms, and soon sleep consumes me.

I wake up in the middle of the night and push myself off the bed, the sickness becoming strong. I try to run to the toilet but I spill my contents on the floor, causing Daryl to wake up.

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