F I F T Y - F O U R : T R A N Q U I L

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It was the next day and I woke up to an empty cell, with Daryl and I's clothes from yesterday.

After I had delivered the news to him, the two of us grew happy and excited and we brought that happiness to our cell for another magical moment.

I smiled as I sat up and threw over one of Daryl's shirt.

I finished getting dressed, tied my hair in a ponytail and put my cap on, heading out after grabbing my bow.

I was going to help Hershel burn the bodies of those that didn't survive the sickness.

Even though I had put up a tough battle to still go in to try and help with whatever I could, the group wouldn't let me.

The closest I could get to helping was burning the bodies, and I'd take it.

"Hey sweet pea," I heard Lee's voice from behind me as I took a bite from an apple as I stood in the kitchen.

"Hey Lee," I smiled turning around.

"How's my future grandchild doing?" Lee smiled down at me.

"Baby's doing the best it can," I smile, grateful neither Daryl nor I would have had to deliver the bad news to him or Sophia.

I said goodbye to him and walked out the cellblock, anxious to start helping and pulling my weight.

"Clementine!" I spun around to spot Rick and Daryl approaching me from the field.

"Hey boys," I smile, bringing in Daryl for a quick kiss.

"Congratulations by the way Clementine," Rick smiled at me.

"Thanks, cowboy," I bring him a hug, grateful for him. He was the one I could lean on throughout the ordeal.

He chuckles as he breaks the hug.

"Hershel's about ready to start burning the bodies," he motions towards cellblock A. "If you're still going to help with that."

"I am," I nod, locking my eyes with Daryl.

"Okay," he sighed. He didn't like me doing this, but he knew there was no way I would back down.

"See you in a bit babe," I smile up at him and bring him in for a long passionate kiss, with him returning the kiss roughly.

"Love ye," he smiles, pulling away and heading away back to working on whatever it was.

I headed in the direction and caught Hershel as he was walking out.

"Hey Santa," I put a smile on and he looks over at me.

"Hey Clem," he returns the smile. "Michonne and I have already put the bodies in the trailer, you caught us just as we were about to leave."

"Trying to leave without me old man?" I bump him with my hip as we walk side by side to the awaiting truck.

"Guess we can't get rid of you huh?" he chuckles, returning the bump.

"Unfortunately, not."


I continued dumping the gasoline on the pile of bodies with the help of Michonne and Hershel.

"Alright," my eyes dart to Michonne as I toss the can aside. "Light 'em up."

I nodded and brought out my lighter, flicking it against a stick and I throw the burning stick into the pile and the bodies erupt into flames.

I sigh and lean my hand on my right hip, staring into the fiery abyss.

"That could've been me," I whisper.

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now