F I F T Y - S E V E N : C A R N A G E

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Daryl's POV

My heart pounded as I raced back to the prison, hoping that they were safely back at the prison.

That she was safe.

I knew it wasn't likely, but I wouldn't let myself become distracted and allow my emotions to take over.

I needed to just get back to the prison, and help the group for whatever was coming.

I soon broke through the tree line, and hurriedly opened the hole in the gate, quickly closing it up behind me as I sprinted into the field, not stopping to chat with anyone.

I ran into the courtyard and spotted Tyreese loading a truck with supplies.

"Where's Rick?" I shouted, running up behind him.

He looked startled for a moment before realizing it was me, and collected his posture, pointing into the cell block.

"He went in the tombs."

I nodded and began to break into a sprint before stopping myself once more.

"Sophia? She make it back okay?" I ask.

He nodded and gestured to the guard towers where her and Carl were readying guns.

I sighed in relief and went back to hurrying down to the tombs.

After turning endless corners, I bumped into the back of a figure and they jumped as they spun around and I came face to face with Rick.

"Daryl?" Rick asked as he moved his hands from his holster. "Sophia told us. We're stocking up incase something happens."

"Something will happen," I shake my head. "He got her Rick, he got Clem and Hershel and Michonne."

"I know," he sighed, his eyes showing he understood and was tired of the constant fighting. "We'll get them back. All of them."

"We can't let him escape again," I shake my head. "We can't give him another chance to hurt someone else."

"And we won't," Rick nodded. "He's going to finally pay for all the shit he's put us through."


The entire group was in the cellblock, with us all surrounding a table in the cafeteria as Rick discussed a plan with us for when the governor would hit.

It was nice having him step back into the leadership role. Having a democracy was fun, but Rick had been to one to get everyone to safety, he helped us all make it this far.

"Daryl," my mind snapped back to the conversation as Rick looked up at me from the blueprints of the prison.

"Sorry," I coughed, meeting his eyes.

"The governor will most likely want me to go down to him, and possibly you, but we're going to try to hold out on giving him what he wants. I need you to go to this guard tower," he pointed to the one where Clem and I used to do night watch together.

"He'll probably take down the front ones, but depending on what he wants, he most likely won't blow these."

"Hopefully," I muttered, not wanting a repeat of when Clem almost died in the guard tower a month back.

"Don't worry little brother," my eyes snapped over to Merle as he whispered to me. "We getting her back, ain't nothing gonna happen to her. She's a Dixon remember?"

I nodded and let out a small smile, knowing that whatever happens, Merle and I would fight like hell to protect her.

I turn back to Rick and listen in as he continues to discuss the plan.

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