S E V E N T Y - T H R E E : F A I T H

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"Hey Terminator!" I heard Glenn holler at me and I chuckled as I turned to look at him. "Wanna go scavenging with Maggie and I?"

"Sure," I let out a laugh and grabbed my bow.

It's been two days and we managed to travel about halfway through West Virginia before stopping to turn in for the night.

Normally, before we would have already reached Wellington in a day, but we kept having to pull over for breaks or turn around and use different routes that would be blocked by muertos.

The truck was low on fuel, so while the remainder of the group would stay to watch over the truck, Maggie and Glenn would look for fuel, and now I was tagging along.

I'd also gotten my cap back from Daryl, who said he found it the day the prison fell and I happily took it, although I'd now felt detached from it since it'd been so long since I'd worn it.

I walked over to him with a smile on my face.

"Be safe out there," Daryl murmured as he brought me into him, giving me a light kiss.

"Will do," I nodded and stepped back.

I looked over at Sophia and spotted her playing with Judith who was playing with Kira.

He had warmed up to the group, more specially Judith and let her sleep in his legs causing Rick to grow uneasy, but I comforted him, telling him the wolf was gentle.

"Kira!" I called over and he scrambled up, bounding over to me with his tail wagging.

Judith cooed as she went back into Carl's arm and went to play with Sophia as well.

"You wanna come?" I looked at Daryl.

"Nah, you go on ahead," he shook his head. "We'll catch up later."

I nodded and hurried over to where Glenn and Maggie were waiting.

Maggie had still been bitter from Beth's death, but once I reunited with the group, it seems like some of that bitterness seemed to go away but I still heard her crying during the night.

"It's like looking at a walker," Glenn stared at me in shock, shaking his head as he looked onto the road.

"Same here," I agreed.

It felt like a dream, seeing them all alive.

But I knew it was real.

"How'd it feel?" Glenn looked at me. "When you got bit?"

"Oh, you know I mean I almost died but it felt fine," I sarcastically said earning a chuckle from him. "Jesus Pizza Planet, some things don't change huh?"

"Guess that's why you love me," he shrugged causing Maggie and I to snort.

"Wow Maggie," I smiled looking at her. "You're one lucky gal."

"I know," she shrugged and I was glad she was her usual self.

"Can I see it?" Glenn then asked and I looked at him sending an angry look.

"Sorry but this glove stays on at all times," I shook my head letting out a grin.

The three of us fell silent as we walked closer and soon spotted the store a few hundred feet ahead of us.

"I should've been there," I whispered, looking sadly at Maggie.

"Don't say that," she shook her head.

"No," I murmured, looking at the ground. "It was all my fault. I should've stopped him all those months ago. I should have ended it before it all began."

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