T W E N T Y - F O U R : F R O G S

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My eye widens open, and I shoot up, placing my hand on my wound.

I look around and see that I'm on a side of some type of battle ground bullshit, with my father in the middle of the circle.

He's missing an eye. I scoff, the fucker got what was coming to him.

The people are yelling, and then I spot him usher Merle forward, followed by a man with a pillow case on his head.


"Daryl," I croak out, and try to stand up, but I'm tied up, again. My lips tremble from the pain, and I know I won't survive if I don't get some medical attention.

"Kill them!" I turn my attention back to the middle of the circle, where Daryl and Merle stare at each other, sizing each other.

"Fight to the death!" My father yells, and begins to walk back in my direction.

Daryl hesitates, and his eyes catches mine. I look at him at horror, before Merle yells, sending his fist across Daryl.

"No!" I groan out, fiddling with my ties.

"My loyalties lie here!" Merle yells, sending his fist forcibly into Daryl's stomach, sending him to the ground. Merle smirks and begins to kick Daryl.

I stifle a cry, I want to help Daryl, but I can't. I'm not strong enough right now.

My father spots me, noticing I'm awake. "How the hell are you still alive?" he tilts his head, standing in front of me.

"So I can kill you, you fucker," I snarl, glaring at him.

He chuckles and pushes me off the bleachers, and I hit the ground with a grunt.

I look up and spot Merle  bend down to Daryl and I see him whisper something to Daryl, before he pulls Daryl up and they go back to back, trying to fight off my father's men, who has brought out some muertos.

I spot a gun lying a few feet away and I grin, beginning to crawl to it. I look back up, checking if my father has noticed, and he's too focused on the show in front of him.

As fast as I can, I'm able to get free of my ties. I limp over to the gun, and pick it up, checking for bullets.

I cock it, and aim at a muerto approaching Daryl. I pull the trigger, sending it limp, and at the same time, more muertos fall, as gunfire erupts. I spot Maggie and Rick firing from the distance.

I'm then yanked back by my hair, earning a yelp from me. My hands fly back, and I stuggle against my father.

"You're not escaping me again," he growls in my ear.

I look back to where Daryl is, he hasn't noticed yet. I have to get myself out this.

I send my elbow back, hitting him in the stomach. His grip lossens, and I spin to face him, sending my fist across his face.

He stumbles back and I get free from him. I pick the gun up and begin running to where Daryl and Merle are.

A muerto heads my way, and I aim the gun at it, but it clicks. "Shit," I grumble, and drop the gun taking a step back.

An arrow then pierces its skull. It falls to the ground and right behind it is him.

He rushes to me, and picks me up. I seethe from the pain coming from my stomach, thanks to the quick motion.

"Sorry," Daryl grumbles as he pushes forward, with Merle in front, clearing the path.

Out of nowhere, I begin to feel all energy leave me, and I know I'm dying.

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