F O R T Y - S E V E N : G O O D B Y E S

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Every time you see the light at the end of the tunnel, as you near it, it suddenly goes back father away from you.

You can never win, not anymore, not in this new world.

Every time you're close to getting some form of hope, it gets taken away from you, there one second gone the next.

As if it were never there.

It's as if it was all a lie, the universe giving you false hope, then it comes and striping it away like a sick family member laughing at your pain and suffering.

My mind fills with sadness, I will never have a happy moment with my child, I will never meet him or her, Daryl will never meet our child.

Daryl won't teach our child how to hunt, I will never teach our child lessons, our child won't grow up with its parents and with Lee, it's only grandfather.

If it was a girl, I would never give them advice fifteen years down the road, I will never give them tips on woman problems, I won't be there to gossip with them.

Daryl would never get to teach out child simple things, maybe baseball, he won't teach our child to track, he won't teach our child to respect woman, he won't teach our potential son to protect woman, to not let any man harm them.

I let the tears escape as I grip the pillow case tighter, wishing I had Daryl to sink into, to feel his muscular arms supporting me.

But I'm also glad he isn't here, to hear the bad news. To hear the news that I failed him.

I can't bear to see the disappointment in his eyes, to see the hatred for me after hearing I killed our baby.

I can't bear to see his reaction when I tell him the news.

I don't want to disappoint yet another person in my life.

Hershel knocks on my cell door and I suck in my breath, wiping the tears away although it won't cover my red stained eyes.

"Hey dear," he smiles sadly, carrying a tray with more tea with another object on it, but I can't tell.

"More tea?" I force a smile, my breath coming out wheezy.

"No medicine yet," he shook his head as I let out a cough, blood spraying on my sleeve.

"I should have listened to Daryl," I frown, taking the cup of tea from Hershel. "This is my fault."

"No Clem," he shook his head, sitting across from me on the bed. "Don't you blame yourself."

"Stop Hershel," I shook my head, a tear slipping out. "Don't try and protect me, if I had just listened to him, my baby would still be alive."

"This is what the Devil wants. He takes something good in your life and tries to turn you against yourself," he sighs. "You can't let him, you have to fight, stay strong Clementine."

He placed his hands on my shoulders. "You're the strongest in this group, I know you don't see it, but we all look up to you. You know how to react in certain scenarios, you know when to use force and when to show mercy."

"Sophia looks up to you, she sees you as a better mom, and I truly believe you're a better mom than Carol was to her," he smiled, bringing me in for a hug. "I love you Clementine," he whispered in my ear.

I let out a broken laugh. "I love you too Santa."

He pulls himself away and stands up, starting to leave when he stops and turns back to me. "I almost forgot," he said and picked up the item from the tray.

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now