F I F T Y: F A R E W E L L

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"Hey Clem," Hershel tiredly smiled as he entered my cell with another tray of tea.

"Are they back yet?" I ask, sitting up on my bed as excitement fills me up that Daryl has come back.

"Unfortunately, not yet my dear," he glumly shook his head, placing the tray on the desk.

"Fuck," I sighed and banged my head lightly on the wall behind me.

"Don't worry," Hershel poured me a cup. "They'll be back soon, we both know Daryl and Lee are doing their best to get back to you."

"Yeah, I know," I nodded, knowing Daryl wouldn't let anyone or anything get in his way.

"Here, drink some more," he holds out the cup to me and I take it, giving him a smile.

"Thanks," I sip and immediately begin coughing, the blood splattering on the rim of the glass.

"It's getting worse," Hershel scowled. "You won't last much longer without the medicine."

"Don't worry Santa," I smiled weakly, handing the cup back to him. "I'll come out alive."

Or at least I hope I do.

I couldn't bear to leave Daryl behind.

And Sophia.

"We don't know for sure," he frowned, sadness filling his eyes. "What if we lose you?"

"Then it'd be a shitty death huh?" I lightly smile. "Who knew that instead of getting bit by a walker, or even murdered, I'd die because of a silly sickness?"

"We'll do our best to prevent that," he shook his head, the sadness quickly leaving his eyes.

"As much as I'd want that to happen," I frown. "The group needs to be prepared if something does happen to me. We have some leverage in that it wouldn't affect anyone, but I'm worried about Daryl and Sophia."

"Nonsense." Hershel shook his head. "You're a part of our family, and no matter how many times you say it, we all care about you, and EVERY one of us would be drastically affected by your passing."

"I doubt it Hersh," I sighed. "But I do want to talk to Rick, get some words in before I leave."

He sighs, but nods. "I'll make sure to tell him you want to speak to him next time I see him."

"But for now, get some rest, you're going to need to save your strength."

I nodded and laid back down on my bed, closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.


"Clementine?" I hear a muffled southern voice call from the other side of the glass.

I groan and roll over, letting out more coughs, which in turn earn more blood spots on the floor.

My eyes trail up to the glass, and met his light blue eyes.

"Rick," I breathe out and sit up, swinging my legs over onto the ground.

"Hershel said it was bad," he shook his head, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," I cough, slowly walking to him. "This is all my fault, my fault I'm in this predicament, my fault Daryl and Lee are risking their lives, it's my fault I lost the baby."

Rick eyes widen and he steps closer. "You what?" Shock stricken across his face.

"Hershel didn't tell you?" I scrunch my brows.

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