F I F T Y - T W O : I R O N Y

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With tears still in my eyes, I slowly walk to block C, where Sophia and Lee are probably waiting.

How would the two of them react to the news?

Would Lee blame me for this?

I sighed as I wiped the remaining tears away and continued walking to the cellblock, wanting to just get it over with.

"Hey Daryl, what's with the-" Michonne began to say as she walked towards me but cut herself after seeing my glum face.

She stops walking my way, her face filling of concern. "What happened?"

I closed my eyes and turned my head down, ignoring her question.

"Daryl?" Michonne whispered, reaching a hand out for my shoulder.

I quickly shook her hand off and ignored her as I ventured into the cellblock. All I had to do was tell Sophia and Lee and then I could go in our cell and be alone.

I hope Clem doesn't blame me for this.

The door groans as I open it, leading into the cellblock where Sophia and Lee are.

I find them both in Sophia's cell, playing chess. Lee is winning, with Sophia in check.

I remain silent, hiding against the wall, thinking of how to break the news to them.

"So how was Clem?" Sophia asked Lee, as she moved out of check.

"Don't know, I'm gonna go see her after this, Daryl is there right now," Lee shrugged, examining his remaining pieces.

Sophia sighed. "I hope both her and the baby are okay."

I screwed my eyes shut, as the pain resurfaces.

"Clementine's strong, and I'm sure that baby is too. They'll both be okay," Lee comforted as I shook my head, knowing it'll be tough to break the news.

"Daryl and Mom will be great parents," Sophia smiled causing a strange warmth to fill my heart.

Do they really think so? Could I really be a good dad?

"Yeah they will," Lee smiled fondly as he corned Sophia's king once more. "We'd all protect that baby with everything, and I'd really enjoy being a grandpa."

"I'd love to be a big sister," Sophia smiled as she turned the table, and put Lee in check. "Maybe I could show the baby how to survive."

"Fuck," I whispered as I retreated farther away from the door. I can't tell them.

Not alone.

I sneakingly passed the doorway, and climbed the stairs to my cell, wanting to just be alone.

I opened the curtains briefly and soon came to face the empty cell, with our bed in the middle and faint puke scent from Clementine's morning sicknesses.

I sat on the bed, and instead of breaking, I just sat there.

Alone, in the silence.

I'd never get the chance to raise our child, never to teach them how to hunt, or just create simple memories with them.

If it was a boy, I wouldn't teach him how to respect women.

If it was a girl, I wouldn't help her fend off the slimy boys that would chase after her.

I sighed, not letting any tears spill.

Then, something in me snapped, and I shot up, kicking the dresser.

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now