S I X T Y - S E V E N : C O N S U M E D

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I sent my knife through a walker as we entered a building to take refuge for the night.

We had followed the car back to Atlanta, and had to ditch the car as it broke down.

Lee had then led the way to a building he knew had beds and was a safe place to stay the night.

We entered a room with filing cabinets and the two fo us work on blocking the door with a desk.

"You worked here or something?" I arched a brow over at him.

"Something," he muttered as he walked over to a locked door and I tossed him the keys I had found earlier from a dead walker out in the hallway.

We entered a long hallway, with at the end, a room with a bunkbed.

"What is this place?" I looked at him.

"Temporary housing," he answed as he examined the room. "We didn't stay long."

"We?" I questioned and looked down, spotting a book titled "Treating survivors of Childhood abuse."

I froze as I llifted it, knowing Clem would've come here often.

"She would come sometimes before I had officially adopted her," he looked at me and walked over to the bunk. "I'll take the top bunk," he said as he put his weapons on the top bed. "The bottoms more your style."

I looked over to spot a pink bed as I lay my crossbow down and I let out a chuckle.

"Why don't you go ahead and get some sleep, I'll take first watch," he muttered and walked over to the window, looking into the dark city.

"This place is locked up pretty tight," I looked over at him and threw off my jacket.

"I know."

"So we're good then."

"I can take first watch," he looked back at me. "I don't mind."

"Suit yourself," I sighed and sat down on the lower bunk.

I didn't lay down, instead looking over the room.

"You said we get to start over," Lee turned around. "Did you?"

"I'm tryin," I locked eyes at him.

He sighed and looked back out the window, silence overcoming us once more.

"Why don't you say what's really on your mind?"

"What if we can't?" he looked back at me. "What if we can't move on?"

"We have to," I sighed. "Ain't got much choice. She would've wanted that."

"What has the world come to," he sighed as he walked closer to the bunk, and sat down on the spot next to me.

"When we were at the car," I muttered. "What would've happened if I didn't show up?"

"I still don't know," he whispered and I nodded, silence overcoming us.

A bang erupted from down the hall and we both sprang to our feet, venturing down the hallway

I lowered my crossbow after we entered a room and spotted a lone walker locked in one of the rooms.

I was about to turn around when another walker began to bang on the door and I turned around, spotting the silhouette of a young walker.

I looked at it with sad eyes, knowing that could've been Sophia if Clem hadn't found her back at the farm.

I looked over at Lee, to see him staring sadly at it before pulling out his knife and stepping forward.

I quickly stopped him and shook my head, knowing what he went through after the prison.

The Devils Eyes •Daryl Dixon•Where stories live. Discover now