S E V E N T Y - F O U R : N E W - B E G I N N I N G S

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My vision was blurry and my head pounded.

My ears rang as I groaned and slowly sat, wincing from a pain erupting in my leg.

I hissed as I noticed a large glass shard wedged in my leg.

I bite my lip as I gripped my hand over the glass, screaming as I quickly pulled it out and blood came gushing out.

I heard the faint yells of Rick and Daryl as they tried to open the back doors that were jammed.

"Mom!" I heard someone rush up to me and I looked at Sophia, smiling in relief when she had no evident bruises.

"I'm fine," I hissed, struggling to stand up.

Majority of the group was working on trying to get the doors open, the walker moans growing louder while Rick or Daryl send rounds into the approaching herd.

My eyes caught sight of Kira, who had minimal blood stained on his black fur, and was pacing, the whines growing louder and louder every moment.

"I'm going to help them," Sophia muttered and hurried to help the group open the door.

My gaze flew over to Abraham, who was busy stuffing as many supplies as he could into his bags.

I limped the fastest I could over to him and began to stuff my two bags, grabbing as much formula, food and water as I could.

Who knows how long we'd be on the road for now that we were going to be on foot.

"Let's go!" I heard Daryl shout and I heard the doors swing open, with everyone soon scrambling out.

I was the last to climb out and Daryl nodded at me and I smiled at him, hoping out.

I gasped at the sight, as how close the muertos were to us.

I sent an bullet in one that got too close and then began to limp into the forest, with the group taking down any muertos they could.

I saw the group ahead of me descend down a small hill and I gritted my teeth as I continued to limp, hoping I wouldn't slip now, not when the muertos were just ten feet away.

I gave a shriek as I felt my feet then slip from under me and I landed on my side as I then slide down to the bottom of the hill, knocking over Noah.

"Mom!" Sophia shouted pausing to run back to me.

"Go! Go!" Daryl shouted at her, running to me. "I got her!"

He helped bring me to my feet and I hissed as he wrapped his arm around my waist, doing his best to support me as I hopped along, the pain in my leg burning.

"Hurry, they're getting too close!" Rick shouted as he continued to fire into the herd with his rifle.

"Hold on," Daryl growled as he lifted me up bridal style and panted as he continued to run from the herd.

We soon caught up with the group and I looked past Daryl, watching the muerto herd that grew fainter and fainter as we continued to run from it.


It was soon day, and Daryl grunted as he finally put me down, sitting me down on a log in a small clearing we found.

"I think we're in the clear," Rick panted as he bent over to catch his breathe with the remainder of the group following suit.

I groaned as I sat sideways on the log, lifting my leg, and pulled up the pant leg, cringing at the large wound left from the glass.

"Does anyone have medical supplies?" I call out, looking at the group. "I didn't have time to grab any."

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