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2 years later...


"So what is it about me, that makes you want to leave like everyone else" I stood in the middle of my penthouse, with an oversized t-shirt and socks.

"I don't know, Ella" Zac sighed. "It's been 3 months and you won't even let me sleep with you"

"I didn't let the other 2 before you sleep with me" I listed with a frown.

"Because the other 2 disappeared without a trace and I kind of think I'm next on the list" he nodded "Are you some type of assassin who kills off anyone who rejects her?"

I sighed "Enough jokes, Zac" I rolled my eyes "We've gone on numerous dates times...can you give me time"

Zac walked towards me in his business suit and placed both his hands on either side of my arms. "I really like you, I really do" he looked down at me "But this won't work. You won't even allow me to see you in a bikini"

I puffed "It's not that easy"

"I don't know why you're so insecure. You're beautiful. I do hope someone can show you that, Ella" he placed a kissed on my forehead "I enjoyed these 3 months, I honestly did"

I chewed the inside of my mouth weakly.

"I hope you do well in the Environmental Inc. company. I know how much you love helping the homeless and all. You earned that roll as assistant to the manager. I wish you all the best"

I gulped "Thanks"

"Goodbye, Ella" He smiled and the showed himself out, slamming the door shut.

I groaned aloud and collapsed onto my bed in such a starfish like form.
What was it about me that no guy liked?
Was it because it took me forever to have sex with them?
3 guys and they all walked out.
2 of which, disappeared without a trace but a letter saying how they liked me and enjoyed their time followed by a goodbye.

I studied simple things and worked in-between. I even just got a promotion at work as an assistant to the manager who looks at environmental issues and what not, one of the biggest companies standing now.

Things changed about me, a lot of things did actually. I grew up within a year and finally understood what independent and powerful means.
Sure I had 3 guys take me out on dates, but I set standards. I didn't sleep with them within days, weeks or even months.
I observed what they had to offer to the table so we could grow together, but I also knew that with or without them, I would no longer starve alone.

Being a so called business woman wasn't easy, living in a luxurious penthouse when just a while back I was homeless was extraordinary.

I know that poor Nicolas had given me half a million dollars to start off, which had paid for this penthouse and as I worked, I slowly paid Nicolas back. I do hope he's receiving my posts.

Life was getting better, well, as I keep telling myself.

I stood up and walked over towards the mirror plainly hooked on the wall in the lounge room.
I unbuckled my shirt and tossed it aside, to stand there completely naked.

As I keep telling myself, I said.

These scars that have healed yet left such a seen mark, was forever here.
Were things getting better?

I wonder what Zac would've said if I had offered myself to him. I wonder what any guy, would have said if I had offered myself.
Think about their reaction.

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