Chapter 37

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A part of me wanted to forgive him, love him as if we just met, after he tried hard to prove me wrong.

It all changed when I found out I was pregnant.
I couldn't think about bringing life into this world if it was to be born on the same lane as it's father.
I also couldn't imagine Josh's reaction to telling him I was carrying his child.

Would he force me to have it or would he kill us both?
That was too dramatic to think about but Josh has killed plenty of families before and I could be at risk, does he really love me though? .

"Ella" Jack walked through the entrance door and towards the lounge room where I sat. "How are you feeling?"

I nodded. "Fine"

Jack was about to talk to me about what happened but just silently sat beside me.

I turned to face him and lightly smiled, nodding.

Jack stood back up and rushed over towards the kitchen, searching the fridge for ice-cream.
"I must say," Jack loudly spoke from the kitchen "Swollen eyes aren't your thing"

I chuckled, sniffing back tears. "I know" I whispered.

As Jack grabbed the tub of ice-cream and a spoon, the doorbell rang and Jack went over to open.

"Hi" he curiously said. "You are...?"


"Ella!" a familiar voice yelled.

I stood up and insisted they come in.
Katie ran over for a tight hug and Andy smiled from a fair distance.

"Jack" Jack let out a hand.

"Andy" Andy took his hand.

"How are you guys?" I smiled weakly, placing Katie on my laps as I took a seat.

"The question is, how are you?" Andy asked, noticing my hidden cries for help.

"Fantastic, now" I giggled.

"I saw Josh last night" Andy gulped as Jack took a seat beside me and handed me the ice-cream.

"Mr Hutson, the owner of the building you live in" I listed, playing it cool.

"Yeah Josh Hutson" Andy took a seat ahead of me. "I'd love to push him off the last floor"

"Andy" I frowned, "If it wasn't for Mr Hutson, you'd be god knows where"

"And if it wasn't for him you'd be happily traveling the world"

I sighed "Andy, my life and yours are two different things. Give Mr Hutson some respect and appreciation for what he done"

Andy shrugged "Although I must say, it's kind of pleasurable to see him lost"

I licked my bottom lip and took a deep breath, playing with Katies hair as she ate from the ice-cream.
"Just thank him for where you are now" I looked up at Andy "Please"

Andy nodded "Fine"

I gulped and couldn't think about anything to say, other then the constant worry that my stomach will grow before I manage to have an abortion.

"Want to make burnt cupcakes?" Andy tried to brighten the atmosphere.

"My cupcake we're always perfect" I rolled my eyes.

Andy laughed "I know, I was referring to Katies cooking skills"

We all joined for a laugh, finally feeling slight ease within my chest.
"Cupcakes?" I whispered in Katies ears.

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