Chapter 27

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


Ella moved beneath the spa and made her way towards me. She ran her hand along the side of my face and placed her nose against mine.
I looked down at her lips as it was inches away.
Her body beneath the water, against me as her chest pushed up against my own.

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.

Is this it?
Does she know my true intentions?
Does she know I love her without me saying so?

I grabbed the side of her face and leaned in, kissing her ever so gently, passionately and long.

She began to wiggle beneath the water again until her legs were on either side of me and her sex was just beside my erection.

"Ella-" I whispered, only to be cut off by her lips softly against mine before my erection felt her wet, yet soft sex.

I gasped lightly and kissed her back.

This time Ella took charge of my aching soul. Her skin against mine as her sex allowed me to feel her so deeply while being lost by her lips.

I wrapped my arms around her as she sat above me, continuously kissing me as we both shared light and desperate moans between each kiss.

For the first time I could slightly say this was the cure for my burning soul.
All those playroom scenes and torture, gave me pleasure but, temporary.

That feeling of having the women you love against you, giving you something you'd only wish she'd give you without asking and taming you. That feeling.

Ella placed her head onto my shoulder and moved against my erection. My hands roamed her body, wrapping tightly around her back before running down her wet curves and gripping her thighs.

She gasped by my ear.

My mind often wanders elsewhere, places that are so dark and so haunting. Though all I could think about right now was how could I keep an angel within my arms?

I hugged her tightly and rested my head against her bare chest as she continued to pleasure me herself.

Sweet, slow and pleasurable sex. Yet maybe even the type you call love.

As Ella gasped and groaned for a minute, I knew she was about to reach her orgasm.
Regaining my thoughts, I remember I had no condom.

Ella reached her orgasm, her sweet and tempting moans made my twitch all around as I held myself together.
Feeling her wet against my own was a devils weakness.

When she took a deep breath and released, I grabbed her waist and held her lightly, pushing her away from me in a hurry as I felt my erection no longer hold.

I gasped as Ella sat panting in the middle of the spa.
My body twitching as I groaned aloud once my load escaped.

Ella stood up, exposing her full naked body as she left the spa.
She grabbed one of the white robes by the door and put it on.
She looked at me with somewhat sadness yet confusion before she left the bathroom...not a single word exchanged.

Once again leaving me and my lost soul to think about what it was about me that kept her so close yet so far?

Loving her is a bittersweet experience,
a little taste of heaven,
a little slice of hell.


i just really needed to update bcoz i haven't updated for like 3 weeks!

I recently lost someone dear to me...

now I had just finished entering myself into college & finally securing a role in NURSING ! So yea my life was all over the place off wattpad, please forgive me & hang on, I promise, promise PROMISE i will make it up to yu! I know this isnt what yu might have wanted but it was hard to write with a busy life.
SO i might consider writing another sex scene next a LONGER one but i'll see how it goes :/

But i am back & I will start updating like old times.

Sorry, once again.

Mia x

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