Chapter 14

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I left the company early, telling Suzi I didn't have time to come by and telling the remaining ladies that I wasn't free.

I made my way to Ella's penthouse, knocking before noticing I had to ring the door bell and look straight into the eye scanner.
Impressive, extreme security.
After that, the door opened itself and I walked in.

On the kitchen bench, Ella sat there, swinging her feet back snd forth as she ate strawberries from the bowl beside her.
Scanning her, she was in a silky red bra and matching underwear with her hair tied up in a bun.

"What was that last night?" I said, placing my hand into my coat as I stood by the door.

"What was what?" she asked without looking my way, eating her strawberries.

"What happened to not letting me touch you?"

She shrugged, laying back against the bench, looking my way as she chewed her strawberry.
"I guess people change"

"Overnight?" I said, looking at her as she leaned back up and jumped off the bench.

"According to you" she walked over towards me in her silky bikini.

I looked down at her as she looked up at me, I bit down on my bottom lip before licking it.

She turned around to walk away but I grabbed hold of her arm, she turned back to face me before shoving me and continuing to walk away.
"So what now?" I said, wanting to desperately touch her.

Ella opened the balcony door walked out into the dark.
I followed her out and stood behind her as she watched the city light up.

I walked closer to her, standing inches behind her.
Once she turned around, she jerked and sighed.

"Scared you?" I looked down at her as her body touched mine.

She looked up at me through her lashes.
"Why are you here Josh?"

"I want you" I said, placing a hand against her chin and rubbing it lightly as I pulled her towards me.

She shoved my hand away. "One thing about you, is one night with me"

"You're willing to give yourself a thousand time?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You're willing to give yourself up?" She raised an eyebrow back.

"What happened to you?" I asked, curiously.

She pushed passed me and walked back inside, moving her hands behind her back and undoing her bra.
I walked back in, grabbed her arm and turned her around. With the fast pull, her bra fell in-between us and she stood there with nothing but her panties on.

She frowned and before she could shove me away again, I turned her back around and pushed her up against the balcony glass door.

She sighed and groaned, feeling the cold glass against her chest.

I leaned forward with my erection pushed up against her through my pants.
"What makes you think I can't take you whenever I want?" I whispered by her ear as I held both her hands behind her back and kept her chest pushed up against the freezing glass.

"Because then it's considered rape" she placed her chin against her shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of me behind her.

"Not if you want it" I replied. Knowing she desperately did want my erection inside her.
Letting go of her hands, she was ready to turn around and shove me, but I slammed her hands above her head, against the glass.
She sighed.

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