Chapter 40

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"Ella!" I yelled several times, banging roughly against her door. "Ella!"

Finally the door opened and Ella stood there in her poker dots pyjamas pants and white singlet.

"Honestly I'm about to buy you and everyone else in New York a hearing aid, I swear to-" I froze, "Are you okay?"

"Who was that in Josh's apartment?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

"Reece, he was set up to do that, only so our dealers don't play with us. I was meant to warn you before it happened but-"

Ella sighed, shaking her head before rubbing her forehead and walking away.

"Ella" I walked into her penthouse.

"Can I get some sleep please?"

"Ella," I caught up to her, standing in the lounge room. "You look pale"

"Well I just witnessed what looked like a break in robbery with a gun pointing my way, I look fine" she sarcastically stated.

"Emily wouldn't hang up the phone and I was meant to come warn you before-" I stopped "It happened, whatever"

Ella walked away once more, opening a door and I followed, again.

"Can I sleep?" Ella said, pointing at her bed.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded.

I chuckled and walked up to her, grabbing the side of her face lightly. "Don't forget the times you had to pull me together and watch me fall apart at the same time"

Ella had a light smile form on the side of her lips.

"I was the first one to understand you before you were known back at home," I listed "So that means I'm also the one who can see you falling apart when you smile"

Ella gulped and took a deep breath.
"That bad, huh"

I nodded, placing my hand by my side. "Look at the bright side, Josh isn't going to ever bother you again" I smiled. Though for a moment, it seemed like it wasn't such a bright thing to say.

Something was worrying her, something beyond the play across the street.

"Ella" I frowned. "What's worrying you?"

She shook her head before turning around to get to bed.

"Alright, get some sleep. I'll check up on you tomorrow" I listed.

Ella pulled her blankets and got ready for bed, as I turned away the entrance door banged shut.

My instinct was to grab my gun from my back side and place it beside me.
Ella frowned and watched me as I walked towards the entrance quietly.

Once I saw the figure I aimed my weapon up high and towards him.

"Wow" Jack raised his hands.

"I almost killed you dude" I lowered my gun.
I turned around to see Ella standing with such posture almost looking like a gold plated statue.
"It's Jack" I frowned.

"Sure!" Ella nodded, rushing towards me "I'd love to spend the night with Emily. I'm sure I can help her prepare for her wedding"

I frowned deeply, watching Ella smile and stand beside me.

"Hold on, I'll grab a pair of clothes" she rushed back around her room to put together a set of clothes.

"She's spending the night at the mansion?" Jack stood by the bed room door, beside me.

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