Chapter 31

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I jerked, turning right around "Jack"

"Hey" Jack walked in through the entrance door. "I want to apologise for being busy lately, how are you?"

I nodded. If I said I was fine my voice box would shiver and he'd ask me once more 'What's wrong?' before I break down.

Jack frowned but I cleared my throat and continued beating the cake mix.


"Can you chop up the strawberries?"

Jack sighed but removed his coat before grabbing the knife that was already set by the chopping board and strawberries.

"That's a lot of deserts" he said as he saw the chocolate cake, banana cake, butter cupcakes and brownies.



I shook my head. "Just a distraction"

"By eating all of this?" Jack tried to have a laugh.

"I normally gift them to the homeless shelters"

"Oh, right" Jack nodded, "Makes sense"

I poured the cake mix into the tray and placed it inside the oven before attempting to make a mud cake.

Jack finished chopping the strawberries and walked around the bench towards me.
"Hey..." he grabbed my wrist. "What's up?"

I licked my bottom lip and shook my head "I heard Seal was planning on demoting me at work" I lied, moving away from him "Can you believe that? After everything I've done?"

I opened up the fridge and grabbed the vanilla ice-cream I spent all morning putting together.


"I don't know" I said, placing the tray furiously onto the bench before grabbing a scoop. "Ridiculous right?" I added, trying to scoop the frozen ice-cream before realising anyone with a brain would know it had to rest a little before attempting. "After everything I've done" I slammed the metal scoop against the frozen ice-cream several times before grabbing it and tossing it into the sink in anger.

"Ella" Jack whispered.

I panted, placing a hand on my waist as I ran the other through my hair. "After everything I've done" I continued my lie even though I was referring to Josh.

Jack took a few step towards me before grabbing my arm and gently pulling me towards him. He rested my head against his chest and hugged me softly yet together.

I gulped as a tear or two escaped and took a deep breath within his chest.

I wish I could open up and just tell him everything. What happened and how I feel...

"It's okay" he whispered, running his hand along the back of my head as the other rubbed my back. "It's fine, you don't have to tell me anything"

It wasn't. I was finally coming together and with a few words I shattered again.

I moved away from Jack and walked towards the outside pool. In my red plain shorts and red singlet pyjama set, I stood there awkwardly watching the peaceful clear water.

Jack's footsteps were close behind but I really didn't want to speak.

I haven't been to work for a few days and Seal was okay with that, still paying me for hours I'm not even working.
I haven't even left my penthouse for a while.
Maybe I needed to go out, get some actual fresh air.

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