Chapter 16

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


I wish I could say I got sleep, but I didn't.
Josh used to watch me sleep, now, I guess I'm watching him.
Hours passed and I was waiting for that call, call for help and possibly as sign of struggle.
But he was peacefully sleeping. His breathing acceptable and his temperature too.
I guess he wasn't going to have a nightmare anytime soon, but I was.

I crawled out of bed, feeling awkward as I was forced to sleep in pyjama pants and top, when I usually slept naked.

I rubbed the back of my head as I left my bedroom and made my way towards the kitchen, dimming the lights to see ahead of me. I opened the fridge and grabbed the tub of cookies and cream ice-cream. Making my way around the bench, I took a seat at one of the stools and began to eat away.

I wish I could say I was less stressed and thinking about my ice-cream but I was thinking about that dead submissive.
I thought...maybe if I confess to Josh that I loved him, well kind of still love him, he might not and I'll end up like her.
My problem is, I don't love Josh, I just can't get him out of my mind so I assume it's love. Though every time he's around me, I hate him yet I want him around me. It's just mixed signals, that's all.

I had a few spoonfuls of ice-cream before grabbing chocolate from the jar beside the fridge and snacking on it. The night was young, long and dull. I want the sun to rise but I had five hours to waste first.

I moved from the kitchen to the lounge, flicking through channels and snacking on anything I laid eyes on, eventually passing an hour or two.

I was about to grab my keys and just cruise for the remaining hours, until I heard Josh's loud groans.

I rushed off the couch and towards my room, I stormed in and fell beside Josh's bedside.
I turned on the lamp beside him, frowning, I removed the blanket and watched his entire body heat and begin to sweat.

I panicked, unable to think straight, I grabbed some tissued from the bedside and wiped away the sweat around his forehead.

"Josh" I whispered as he twinkled with his eyes shut and his fists tight together "Josh"

I realised he was heating up quicker then anything I've ever seen, his body temperature rising even though all he had was pants on.

"Josh" I shoved him "Hey"

Josh's head fell left and right and his body instantly turned red.

"Josh!" I gasped, close to dial 911. "Hey!"

I stood up and looked down at his struggling self, I leaned over him and grabbed either side of his face. "It's just a nightmare" I said by his ears as he was somewhat asleep. "Josh!"

It was useless, so I did the unthinkable. I pushed my lips against his and deeply kissed him, thinking his asleep body wouldn't feel it if I had just pecked him.

Once I felt him kiss back, I leaned away. Taking a step back, Josh's eyes were wide open and his breathing slowed down.

He sat up right and looked around before running his hands around his face and rubbing his eyes.
"That's a nice way to wake someone up"

"You were having a nightmare"

"Nothing new" Josh whispered, getting out of bed.
He grabbed my top from beside him and wiped his face with it.

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