Chapter 24

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


Josh's hands roamed my body, removing my bra before my panties.
He left my back towards him as he placed soft and gentle kisses all over my shoulder and upper-back.

He then turned me around slowly and grabbed the side of my face, his fingers around the back of my ear as his thumb rubbed against my cheek.
His nose rested against mine, his lips leaned in and then out.
Almost like he was re-thinking this.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, bitting my bottom lip.

"Why do you keep doing this, Ella?" he whispered by my lips. "Why do you keep brining me closer when you know I'm toxic"

"Every devil was once an angel" I whispered back, looking up at him through my lashes.

His lips finally met mine as he sucked on my bottom lip.

He leaned in closer and placed a kiss at my collarbone as he placed me gently onto my bed.

I accidentally touched his wound and he groaned but ignored it.

"let's make this one quick"

And finally, something i've been dying to hear since the very first day we met.

He didn't have a condom for the first time I could possibly remember, but you could trust Josh without one. His timing and professionalism would keep you safe.

"So tell me Ella" he said as he placed his erection inside of me.

A conversation during sex? Right.

"Are you sleeping with Jack?"

I frowned. "No"

He began pounding inside of me, slow and gentle.

"Don't lie to me"

"I'm not" I moaned.

"And if you are, does he have every sound that escapes your lips now, happen?"

I grabbed the bedsheet within the palm of my hands as Josh positioned above me.
Moaning, I ignored his question.

His pace was slow, gentle but deep.
His body was cold against my warm skin, it made it difficult to focus.

His hands intertwined with mine as he held it up above my head and sucked at my neck, continuing to pound inside of me as my other hand wrapped around his neck.

I shut my eyes and bit my bottom lip. His touch was always so wanting, pleasurable and deep.
I hated the fact that I wanted this in a more acceptable way.


Josh groaned by my ear as his body loosely rested above me.

My hands ran through his hair and I grabbed the top of it, pulling his head back.

His groan was louder as he continued thrusting inside of me.

My legs were wide open, allowing him access.
My breathing was rapid but my orgasm was taking forever to arrive even though I felt it on edge.

He leaned up but remained inside of me.
Running a hand down in-between us, his fingers meet my sex and he began rubbing me so passionately and fast.
My clitoris was feeling all types of pleasure.

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