Chapter 12

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I banged my penthouse door several times, in hopes it would close but it would just swing wide open.
Everything in the penthouse was still in it's place, they only took me. I was thankful for that, the damage Josh had done several nights ago costs me a lung and rib, I couldn't afford another renovation now.
So I grabbed the coffee table close by and pushed it all the way towards the door, holding it closed.

I tried to ignore it, but I was in pain. Everything was just aching and my breathing was rapidly low.
I let him in for a few minutes and he proves me wrong, he didn't change.
A part of me was thankful he didn't touch me, sex-wise and a part of me thought maybe if he did, in that moment he would think about me and what he's losing.

I sat on the lounge room couch and held myself together. Although the pain was tremendously painful, I didn't sob or weaken myself.
It's my fault I accepted his lies and his fault for being a sweet, good liar.

My door banged and the coffee table wobbled.
I gulped.


Jack's voice put my mind at ease, I rushed over towards the door and moved the table out of the way as he walked in.

"Hey" I smiled weakly.

"Are you alone?" he asked, looking around.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"How are you?" he said, looking down at his phone "Sorry I know it's almost sunrise, but I was worried"

"It's fine actually" I rubbed my shoulder.

"Have you not slept yet?" He asked.

I shook my head. As I looked down, I noticed I was in Josh's top. "I do want to sleep though"

"Oh, right" Jack looked away.

"Jack" I whispered, followed by a light gulp. "Spend the night with me"

Jack frowned but smiled "Alright, if you insist" he said, placing the coffee table back behind the door.

I instantly found lips against his as my hands forced him close, wrapping around the back of his head.
Maybe I was looking for closure, maybe I was feeling something.

He didn't waste time, kissing me back deeply before beginning to remove the shirt I had taken from Josh.

Button after button he unbuckled as our lips remained together.
As he removed my shirt and tossed it aside, he removed his own casual shirt before attempting to remove my bra.

It's been a long night, ironically I had stabbed someone and argued with the only man who runs through my mimd. So was I acting sober or reality sort of drunk?

As my bra was about to come off, the door banged and I turned right around.
Holding my loose bra against my chest, I frowned as the door was shoved open.

"Damn this door" Nicolas said, squeezing through.

"Nicolas" I froze, nervous that I was almost naked.

"Ella" his eyes wide, "Jack"

"Nicolas" Jack nodded, rubbing the back of his head as he stood shirtless.

"Jack" Nicolas repeated.

"Nicolas" I gulped, trying to break the weird tension.

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