Chapter 20

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As soon as the toilet door was pushed open, I was second to rush in.
Frowning with numerous gasps, we froze as we saw Ella on the ground, covered in water with blood escaping the side of her head.

"Ella" I rushed towards her and fell beside her.

Josh moved her away from him, fixing himself up.
"I heard yelling and then I quickly came to find her slip against one of the taps and it broke, splashing everywhere. She must've tried to balance herself as her dress caught on something and ripped, I don't know how hard she hit her head but I don't have a phone on me and I was too worried to leave her"

"Relax, Josh. Everyone panics in situations like this" a man said.

"I...I don't know" Josh looked rather innocent but deeply guilty of something, because that's not what I saw when he followed her.

"Why was the toilet locked?" I said as people were quick to call an ambulance.

"Because..." Josh looked deeply into my eyes "I was worried someone would think I did this"

"Alright, don't worry" a waitress said. "She's maybe just unconscious, the bump doesn't look that bad or deep"

After several intense minutes, the ambulance arrived and took Ella. I followed them with my car as the dinner then came to an end.

I wanted to know what happened in there, so I remained by throughout the night.


I slept on the seat by her hospital bed, thank god it was nothing bad and just a bump that made her unconscious.

"Hey" I whispered, noticing her eyes open.

"Ouch" she moaned, rubbing the bandage around her head.

I didn't hesitate, I was quick to ask her, "what happened Ella?"

She shook her head lightly "I don't know"

I roll my eyes, don't lie to me Ella, not now.
"You know Josh was in there with you, right?"


"Don't play now Ella, this is serious"

"I don't know what happened"

"DAMN-" I took a deep breath "Dam right you do, you know exactly what happened. We can have him in court, we just need you to tell us the truth"

Ella sighs, "I don't know"

"Fuck" I groaned. Something happened in there and nobody knows.
"How did you break a tap, covering yourself in water and fall unconscious. I know just how careful you are Ella, this doesn't just happen to you accidentally"

"Are you saying Josh did this?" She frowned.

"No, but I need to know what happened"

"I don't know and it doesn't matter, I'm fine"

"If you say so" I sarcastically said.


I turned to face the door and saw Nicolas walk in before Josh followed.
I sighed.

"Can you give us a moment?" Ella looked my way.

I nodded watching her sit up and nod my way, indicating I should leave.

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