Chapter 4

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"Financially talking, we have enough to build one more shelter"

"But how much would that leave us?" a colleague asked as we all sat around the meeting table.

"Oh more then enough to build another company. Though we are trying to build while still having that massive amount of money incase things went downhill"

"I like that" my boss nodded, his 62-year-old wrinkles almost covering his eye sight as he smiled my way.

"Thank you Mr Ricardo"

The meeting door opened and in rushed one of Seal Ricardo's men. Leaning down, he whispered within his ear and Seal stood up. "Meeting is done. Leon, work on building this one shelter, Ella, keep ahead of the incomes" he pointed.

I nodded, "Will do" before he left.

I packed my papers and picked up my suitcase before grabbing a few things at my desk and leaving.

I drove home and entered my penthouse.
Tossing my suitcase against the couch, I removed my heels in pain and took a seat on one of the couches by the outdoor pool. Beside me, I popped open a champagne bottle and poured myself some within the cup beside it.
Work was hard, but it always paid off.

My phone rang and I picked up, setting it on speaker beside me as I sipped the wine.

"Hey Jack"

"How was work?"

"Great, yourself?"

"Fantastic" he chuckled "What are you doing tonight?"

"Uh, actually Seal invited me to dinner with the rest of the crew"

"Really?" he sounded disappointed.

"I mean if you have something planned, maybe tomorrow?"

He sighed "Sure, let me know if you need anything"

"You too"

He hung up.

I took my break.


I fit myself into a body-fitted black dress. I was most likely to wear similar dresses with either just different patterns or a different colour. Though I always kept it below the knee and sleeves attached.
I applied a line of red lipstick before making sure my eyeliner and mascara were perfected.
I had to look presentable in front of my boss.

I slipped into my black platform heels and grabbed my red purse.
Red on black? Such an intense mix.

Grabbing my keys, I left.

At first, I knew Seal was going to invite us to a fancy restaurant, I was greeted at the door and thanked God that Seal didn't book the entire restaurant for the crew. It was nice knowing people were around.

"Hey" I leaned down and shook hands with everyone.

"Ella, listen to this" Linda laughed "Frank wants to purchase a helipad, but he doesn't own a helicopter!" she continued laughing.

I giggled, typical Frank. Always wanting more then he had.

We laughed and chatted and made our own night. I kept watch of the time, 7pm to 10pm. Time was flying but little did we know, enjoying our time.

"I think I should get going" I leaned up, taking one last sip of alcohol.

"10-minutes" Seal said "Don't you want to meet my business partner?"

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