Chapter 8

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"This isn't how we handle out business, Sylvester" I tried to remain calm even though my blood was boiling and he was stirring the pot.

"Big deal, not like he'll have them dead. He wants the money" he smoked his cigar.

"But E-" I cut myself "Your employees are dragged into this?!" I groaned.

"Easy targets"

"Now they'll know who you truly are"

"No" he raised an eyebrow "My dirty business is always done behind a fake mask. Nobody will know"

"So how are you going to get them now?"

"I'm not paying him"

"Then?" I remained standing by his desk, hoping Nicolas had found something about Ella by now.

"I'm going to kill him"


"When I feel like it?" Sylvester frowned. "Why are you worried?"

"You know" I cleared my throat "I don't like seeing you cleaning up dirty business. Let me handle this"

"No" Sylvester looked deep into my eyes, almost certain I was hiding something.

"I got this" I turned around.

"I'll handle it, Josh" Sylvester stated.

"I've already got a lead on him" I left his office.
I know Sylvester will let me do this, but our next encounter, he's going to lecture me for ignoring him.
I couldn't help it, Ella was out there.

I left the company and rushed out. Since last night, Ella has been missing and I've been running around like crazy.

"We can't track her, her phone is in her apartment" Nicolas sighed "I tried tracking Linda, lab rats are still getting back to me"

I sighed, rubbing the back of my head before hearing Nicolas's phone go off.
I gulped.

He answered, exchanging words with the guy on the other line for a full minute.

"The seafood factory?" Nicolas looked up at me, putting his phone away.

"There's a dozen-" I frowned "How stupid are we, the factory where we first made our deal with him" I sighed aloud, kicking the car door.
I rushed to the other side and waited for Nicolas to get in before speeding off.

Once we arrived at the seafood factory, Nicolas grabbed his phone. "No" I grabbed it from him "Don't call backup"

"What? Why not?" Nicolas frowned.

I leaned over towards him, reaching below his seat and grabbing a gun. "We got this"

"Hey" Nicolas grabbed my arm "You're going to just storm in there?"

I shrugged "No, I'm going to parachute myself in? Ofcourse I'm going to storm in there"

"What if he has a pack of men?"

I opened the car door and left. Nicolas rushed out, grabbing his gun from his backside, loading it.
"We never have a plan, this is why wherever we go, death is there"

"Shh" I hissed.

"You know, when we get home...we have to talk through this. I'm sick of riding with you, only to know I've walked right over to my own death"

I looked around, thinking maybe I should go through the front door.
Everyone goes through the back door, let's try something new.

"You know, thinking about it" Nicolas followed behind "I've never had a deep, serious talk with you...considering my death"

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