Chapter 2

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"You can't do that Josh" Nicolas stood in anger by my office desk.

"Do what?" I asked, acting stupid.

"You can't scare off every guy Ella has around. You already threatened the others"

"I don't care"

"You gave her freedom, which also comes with love. Let her find her own happiness" Nicolas sighed.

"I am" I looked up at him from behind my desk.

"By scaring off all the guys who take her out for dinner?"

I sighed.

"Maybe Jack is a good guy"

I chewed the inside of my mouth. "He's been with Ella an entire year. As friends. Why is he trying to sleep with her?"

"Maybe it was just a dinner"

"Date" I added. "Dinner date"

"So what, let her be happy"

I stood up and grabbed my coat from beside the door.
"I'll give her happiness" I said, wearing my coat.

"Hey" Nicolas grabbed my arm "You gave her freedom and made a deal to never bother her again"

"I'm not"

"So where are you going?" Nicolas raised an eyebrow.

I raised one back.
He nodded, knowing.

I grabbed my car keys and left the mansion.
Speeding down the open street and busy roads, I ended up at Ella's apartment.
Though across from her, was also my apartment.

I handed my car over to the man by the apartment entrance and made my way towards the elevator. Hitting the penthouse level, I was quick to think negatively as I impatiently waited for the elevator to come to a stop.

Did he sleep with her?

The doors opened and I rushed towards my penthouse door. Unlocking it, I removed my coat and tossed it on the ground. I walked over towards the wall long window and pushed opened the curtains. Leaving the lights off, I wondered around the in the dark. My eyes in length of Ella's penthouse.

I walked back towards the bar, popped open whiskey and poured myself a cup before grabbing hold of the bottle and bringing it along.
I had positioned a one-seater couch by the window that also gave access to the balcony and outdoor pool.
I sat there, like every other night, for a solid year.

I rolled up my sleeve and began to drink the night away as my eyes watched Ella's dark penthouse from across the street.

My sleepless nights were spent here.
I watched her all night, sometimes all morning if I had nothing on.

Like this morning, when she scrambled her eggs and made breakfast.

Then those negative thoughts.

Did Jack have a spare key, is that how he got in this morning?

I was glad Zac played by the rules and walked out on her as of the others before him too.

But Nicolas was right. I gave her freedom back, which comes with love and happiness. I get it, I know that.
Maybe I was just...scared, that someone would not treat her right.
She deserves more, deep down I knew that. I can't give her that, someone can. But who?
I won't let anyone touch her, so how was I going to watch her smile with someone?

I was lost. Lost in a world of darkness.

Often I wondered why I was here, watching her every night and day. I didn't over do it, I didn't let my men follow her, but I tracked her by her cellphone, sometimes. Well, all the time.

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