Chapter 9

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So I patiently waited at my penthouse, a bottle of whiskey in one hand and my gun in the other.
Why hasn't Ella made her way home yet?
Where could she be at 2am?

Several minutes later, my mind was at ease.
Ella's penthouse came to life, by the door Ella walked in, covered with a thick black coat and behind her Jack.

Well fuck.

Well fuck.


I dropped my bottle of alcohol, grabbed my coat and tucked my gun around my hip.
Does he not fucking learn?

I rushed across the street to Ella's penthouse, rehearsing lines in my head before imagining Jacks death. He makes me mad, so mad. I have no fucking idea why.
Alright let Ella fall in love, but with this...this ugly looking man who isn't capable of giving her what she deserves?

I jogged out of the elevator and towards Ella's entrance door.
Lucky for me, her door was slightly open since they just arrived.
I stormed in and Ella was quick to turn around, still traumatised.

"Josh" she sighed.

I was quick to look deep into Jack's eyes, avoiding Ella.

"Dude, you need to stop" Jack sighed.

"Get out" I hissed.

"Get out" Ella said my way.

"I need to speak to you" I pointed at her as I stood by the door.

"About what? Having me dragged into your dirty work again?"

"I DIDN'T DRAG YOU INTO ANY OF MY WORK!" I yelled, which had the old same affect on Ella, causing her to stiffen and gulp.

"Don't yell at her" Jack frowned.

"Get the fuck out" I pointed straight at Jack.

"You get the fuck out"

I reached for my backside and Ella took a step towards me "It's always physical with you! Stop hurting everyone!"

I groaned, panting as my hand positioned at my gun but I didn't grab it yet.

"You hurt everyone around you, do you not notice!"

I frowned.

"Physically, mentally, just hurt everyone! Leave me alone!"

"GET OUT" I pointed my gun at Jack.

"JOSH JUST STOP!" Ella yelled back "ENOUGH!"

I froze, still aiming at Jack.

"Why won't you leave me alone, you gave me my freedom! Just stop"

"Because I know whatever you say you don't fucking mean, Ella" I dropped my gun by my side. "You keep lying to yourself"

Ella dropped the coat around her and took a step towards me as Jack stood a few steps away, frowning.

"Isn't it better to lie to you then to tell you how fucking bad it hurts?"

"Hurts?" I raised an eyebrow "I know what I done to you...physically...wasn't okay. I apologise"

"Mentally" she whispered to herself "Mentally"

Mentally? I said to myself. Emotionally?

"Ella..." before I continued, I looked over at Jack. "Mate, are you going to stand there and be our psychologist?"

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