Chapter 7

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The following night, I curled up on the couch with my oversized t-shirt and knee long socks.
Scooping my ice-cream with a larger spoon than usual, I ate away my stress as a horror movie played.

I always loved horror movies, just maybe...not the aftermath.

I pulled the blanket a little more towards my stomach as I ate my ice-cream.
I never understood why in horror movies, when the victim falls, they only tend to get up once the killer is seconds behind?
Is surviving not what they want?

I was so picky when I watched something.

Once silence was heard throughout the movie and the screen was empty, there was a solid percentage that something scary was going to pop up. My first instinct is so cover my eyes with my fingers, yet leave a little gap to peek.

So what was the benefit of that?

As soon as the dramatic effect was heard, I twitched in slight fear.

Then, the tv switched off and so did the rest of my penthouse.

Well shit, that didn't go as planned.

I noticed by looking out my windows while remaining seated, everything outside was still on.

I gulped, putting my ice-cream tub down on the coffee table beside me before removing the blanket and gaining my balance.

Maybe I should leave torches or something hanging around next time.

With the little light from the night outside and opened curtains, I slowly made my way towards my room.
Hitting things lightly and almost losing my balance a few times, I finally reached my room.

I walked over towards my bedside table and reached for my phone.
Swiping it unlocked, I looked for the electrical company, thinking it must be from there end or they could direct me to see what went wrong.

But then an unusual sound occurred.

Something clicking and cluttering, thin metal along thick metal.
I frowned and walked over towards my bedroom door.

I looked out, the noise kept coming and it seemed to come from the entrance door.

"Hurry it up, would you?" a deep voice hissed.

I took a deep breath and my body instantly covered in goosebumps.
Someone was breaking in.

I shivered as I tried to dial 911.
Then for some reason, my fingers worked like crazy and made it's way to Nicolas number.
It was probably just a break in and robbery.
Nothing big. Call the police.

Nicolas was only on my phone for a check on here and there.


"I'm almost done idiot!"

I couldn't think straight, so I dialled Nicolas.

One ring after the other.

"There!" my entrance door squeaked open.

"Pick up, pick up" I whispered at the phone.

One last ring, as I was about to hang up, he picked up.

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