Chapter 1

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I straightened my black tie and fixed my black suit, standing in the mirror.
I was finally taking Ella out.

After watching her from the day I wrote her that letter warning her about Greg, up until now.
I don't know how anyone would put it, but is that called stalking?

I was obsessed with her.

I watched her.

I watched her through her bedroom window every time the curtains were open.
I followed her several times, like when Josh took her out late at night to shop.
Especially when he left her to sleep on the streets that one night, I finally got to watch her sleep from metres away.

I wanted her and I had absolutely no fucking idea why.

But God I was obsessed.

Ella's bedroom door opened and I turned around.
There, she stood in a white, body-fitted dress that exposed her curves and ended just below her knees. Matched with white simple heels and a matching purse.
Her hair naturally wavy below her shoulders with a tad of natural make up.

Maybe that's why I wanted her.
She was fucking beautiful.

"A white feeling?" I raised an eyebrow.

Ella smiled "I think"

"You look beautiful"

Her smile reached her eyes "As of you, you look handsome" she winked.

I let out a hand and she took it, as I showed the way out of the penthouse and towards the elevator.

"What's that?" Ella asked.


She raised a hand and dusted my chest. "That"

"Oh" I dusted myself as she moved her hand away.
Just the cocaine I tested for my boss before I got here. "I have no suit" I smirked.

"Right" she smiled, entering the elevator beside me.

I wonder if she would still mind me around if she found out for the past year or so I've been working for the loco mafia gang as of working as a waiter. I don't play a major role, just one of the important guards there.
I'll think about telling her some time soon.


We sat at one of the luxury restaurant and ordered. As we waited for our orders, I popped open a champagne bottle and poured each of us a cup.

As I handed her a cup, I couldn't help but scan her upper body. Those lightly seen scars, were impossible to see from a distance but were still visible enough.

"Tell me, Ella"

Ella took a sip from her cup "Tell you what?"

"Anything" I shrugged, sipping from my own cup. "I enjoy listening to your voice"

She giggled, that giggle that made her ten times more attractive.
"You tell me, Jack"

"Tell you what, Ella" I leaned back in my seat.

"How do you think of it, being boss in the kitchen" she asked about my promotion.

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