Chapter 5

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Entering my penthouse across my Ella, I rushed over towards the balcony outside.
I gawked at Ella's penthouse and waited for her lights to come on as I caught my breath.

After a few seconds, her penthouse came to life.

Why would she run into his arms?
I gulped, watching Ella in the arms of Jack as they walked over towards the lounge room.

I ran my finger through my hair and turned around, taking a few quick steps towards the door. I stopped, took a deep breathe and turned back around to the balcony.
"FUCK!" I yelled. "Hm" I held my anger.

I watched.

Jack took a seat on the couch and Ella snuggled up against him...crying.
God, I didn't make her cry, I didn't.
What did I say?

"Fuck" I wrapped my fingers around the back of my neck. "Fuck"

I had no idea what they spoke about, but I was here trying to control myself as she snuggled up against him.

Fuck, here I thought I had control.

I turned around and rushed out of my penthouse.

Running across the busy street, the cold breeze entering my nostrils as my coat accepted the wind.
I dodged the cars and pedestrians.
"GET OFF THE ROAD, IDIOT!" One yelled.

I ran past his car and towards Ella's penthouse, rushing inside the elevator.

I placed my hands beside me, controlling my tight fists as I puffed in angry and caught my breath.
Once the elevator door opened, I power walked towards Ella's door and banged roughly against it.

A few times after I banged, the door opened.

I grabbed hold of his shirts collar and pushed him a few metres, up against the wall.

"JOSH!" Ella yelled.

My chest rapidly rising to the speed of my breathing. Anger was shown by my deep frown and red knuckles.

Jack frowned up against the wall and raised his hands. "What the fuck?"

"Josh!" Ella rushed towards me "What...What..." she mumbled.

Though my eyes remained into Jack's.
I wanted to kill him, here, now.
Though all this anger, I was just staring deep into his eyes.

"Let him go!" Ella placed a hand onto my arm.

Instantly, my thoughts were on her.
My body calmed, my frown narrowed and my breathing settled.

"Let him go!" Ella shoved me lightly.

I moved away and Jack moved beside Ella.

"Are you crazy?" Ella gasped, holding Jack's arm.

I gulped.

"What..." Ella was speechless.

"You crazy fucker" Jack looked my way.

"Get out Josh!" Ella pointed towards the door "Why are you here?!" she panted "How'd you find me?!"

I gazed deep into Ella's eyes.
Her eyes were a bright red from the deep tears. Bags, recently formed under her eyes, beneath the  smudged makeup. Her skin pale, her breathing uncontrollable.

"Are you okay?" I asked, walking towards her.

She was quick to take a step back.

"You're eyes..." I listed.

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