Chapter 33

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It was getting harder yet easier.
I was so close to bring Josh off his throne, whilst Ella thinks its her own idea, I was her devil whisperer.

I dramatically even 'anonymously' skype her pictures and videos of Josh's past and present if she asked or not.
Long story short, don't ask.

Ella was determined to bring Josh down, but his weak ass was about to blow this.
I couldn't have Ella fall for him, not now or anytime soon.

I needed to avenge Greg, I needed to avenge my uncle, Josh.
It was our plan all along, acting like I forgot Greg and wrote Ella to 'help'.

Josh managed to kill my uncle and my cousin. My plan was to finish off what Greg and I started, destroying him and Sylvester.

A few boxes have already been ticked. Working for Sylvester and being my own inside man and keeping Ella close and stopping her from falling for Josh.

You see this wasn't meant to be Ella's fight, she just ironically ran into us one night and somehow ended up at Josh's doorstep and made our plan a lot more easier. We had access to her which meant access to Josh.

I laughed, just when Josh thought he was one step ahead of everything and everyone.

I might consider becoming an actor when this is all over.
Right now, I needed to keep Ella for myself and destroy Josh before...maybe...depending on my mood...killing her off too.


"I think people misunderstand love. They take it for granted" Ella was deep into her thoughts, swinging her legs while sitting up onto the bench as she scooped a spoonful of ice-cream from the tub.

"How?" I curiously asked as I watched her from the lounge room couch.

"Well I just feel like when the person you love is constantly there, you take advantage of that. Then when you finally lose that person, you understand the real definition of love"

I stood up and sighed "I think love isn't as hard as people act on it"

"What do you mean?" She frowned, licking her spoon.

I walked towards her and placed my hands into my side pockets, shrugging "I think it's as simple as both putting in the same amount of affection and dedication"

"It's easier said then done" she rolled her eyes, lightly jumping off the bench and making her way towards the fridge.

I watched her put the ice-cream away and begin to do the dishes in the sink.

"Ella" I lightly called.

"Mm" she murmured, scrubbing the plate clean.

"Do you ever desire it?"

"What?" she asked, focusing on her dishes.


She twitched lightly and froze before snapping out of it and continuing her dishes. She gulped and by the beats of her chest, her breathing was tense.


She shrugged, obviously; terrible at lying.
"Because you guys never understand females"

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