Chapter 42

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It was in that moment that I realised I loved her more then anything, the moment where I silently begged God to take me if it meant she was skipping beautifully.

I took a deep breath and blocked my vision along side my mind. I grabbed her hand tighter with both of my own and pulled her up, little by little.

It felt like Ella was finally trying, she didn't fight me or release herself, she let loose.

I pulled with sweat and tears, unable to notice if it somewhat rained on me.

The second Ella's upper body was almost over the edge, I grabbed her beneath her arm, around her chest and pulled her up completely.
She fell against my chest as I fell back against the concrete.

I laughed, a laugh of somewhat pain and fear.
Hugging her tight, I gasped and kissed the exposed top of her head.

"God, thank you" I whispered, hugging her tighter.

Once the entrance door broke open and numerous police men rushed through, I sat up with Ella still in my arms.
An officer approached, attempting to help Ella stand before taking her downstairs.

Ella grabbed my shirt by the collar within the palm of her hands and never looked up at me, instead she placed her head against my chest as we remained seated on the ground.

I held up my hand, indicating to the officer so he doesn't try to get near her and that I had this under control, nodding I mouthed "I got her,"

The officers were worried but eventually left us on the rooftop, alone with the sky finally coming to light and the breeze finally easing.

I kept Ella in my arms, no words given or taken, just holding her tight as she rested against my chest on the cold ground.

I wanted to speak, I wanted to come to my senses and know this isn't a nightmare but reality.

Though I couldn't, I just held her tight and breathed in her scent, listened to her breathing and watched her chest puff to its rhythm.

The sun was finally appearing, soothing the sky to a bright orange, red and yellow before completely exposing us to it's normal blue state.

Birds chipped and insects rattled, I wasn't aware how long we remained in this position but I wanted it forever.

Ella finally moved away from my chest and wiggled lightly out of my arms, but still within my eyes.

She looked deep into my eyes as I gulped, scanning her red and swollen eyes that somehow remained beautiful. I watched as she liked her bottom lips and looked down at herself, rubbing her stomach before looking back up at me.

"I'm sorry" she whispered to peacefully that I could've missed it.

I shook my head, "It's okay" I lied, "We all give up eventually"

Ella gulped and attempted to stand before I helped her up beside me.
I grabbed my phone and took a few steps ahead of her, with intentions to call Nicolas.

Ella grabbed my hands, her little fingers wrapping so tightly around my hand. "Don't leave"


"Please" she held tightly.

I nodded, even thought I wasn't going anywhere for the world, and moved back towards her before making our way down and out of the building.

Eyes watched us and chatting echoed, Ella asked me to take her away from here and I did just that.

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