Chapter 43

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I held Ella up against the wall in the hallway and breathed down her neck.
"What devil Ella, what devil?" I gasped.

"Please" Ella looked up "Please don't harm it"

I looked down as she hugged her stomach tightly, keeping her eyes up at me.
"Is it mine?"

Ella froze and a tear escaped her tired eyes.
"Is it mine?" I asked once more.

She remained silent.

I couldn't bare the thought of her carrying a child let alone a child of someone.
I slammed my hands against the wall beside her head and groaned "GOD DAMN ELLA!"

"YES" she yelled "Yes it's yours!"

I gasped and took a few steps back.
I wasn't sure if I was mad at the fact she kept it a secret or that she tried to take her life, yet not just her own.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I frowned, standing a few steps away.

"I was scared"

"That's enough" Sylvester stepped forward "Time is ticking Josh"

"For what?!" I took a few steps towards Sylvester "You're asking me to give her up or let her die?!"

Sylvester nodded.

"That's an innocent soul inside of her" I added.

"A soul she wanted to abort" Jack yelled from behind.

I looked back at Ella and shook my head "Tell me this is just a fucking nightmare" I walked back towards her, grabbing either side of her face and pulling her roughly in "Tell me Ella"

"I'm sorry"

I held her in my hands, unsure if I wanted to yell it all out or walk away.

"Choose already" Jack sighed.

I let go of Ella in attempt to rush over to Jack but Sylvester stood in my way.

"Fuck off!" I pointed over Sylvester's shoulder "You should've been long dead the second you laid a finger on her!"

"It wasn't just my finger" Jack smirked.

I shoved Sylvester roughly before he pushed me back and his men rushed towards me.

I lifted my hands in surrender and took a few steps back "Okay, okay" I whispered.

"Did you tell him Ella?" Jack frowned "The moment I saw the pregnancy test and couldn't tame myself but shove you up against the wall and almost hurt the little one" he pouted.

I took another few steps towards Jack but was stopped by Sylvester "You're a fucking dead man, a fucking dead man walking!" I yelled "Do you hear me!"

"Loud and clear" he opened his arms with a smile.

"What the fuck do you want Sylvester" I looked down at him "I'm not choosing between deporting a woman or having her dead"

"Stop referring to her as a woman when she's your woman"

"Exactly" I pointed down his throat "I'm not going to put her life up for debate, not a chance"

"Then you leave me no choice" Sylvester waved his hand at one of his men.
The guard walked over and pointed his weapon at Ella, point blank.

"WAIT" I stood in front of him "You can't choose this, you're leaving me no options here"

"I gave you two" Sylvester raised an eyebrow.

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