Chapter 21

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I removed my tie, leaving it hanging loosely around my neck as I unbuttoned the first three buttons on my shirt before rolling my sleeves.
I closed the curtains in my office and grabbed the bottle of whiskey before taking a seat behind my desk.

The room was dark, dull and silent.

I opened the bottle of whiskey and grabbed the cup from the corner of my desk, pouring just a quarter before beginning to drink.

My office door opened and I looked up.

"Well shit" Nicolas walked in "That's a pretty scary view"

I gulped down the cup before pouring another.

"Sylvester has another shipment arriving, he wants you there a midnight, south waters?"

"Why do I have to be there?" I sarcastically said, drinking my thoughts away.

"This is big"

"What another kidnap-" I froze. That wasn't such a great idea considering Ella was taken and she got blood on her hands.

"Midnight" Nicolas looked my way.

"Midnight" I continued to drink.


"Hey, it's Ella. I think you should consider picking up your phone. I mean, I've been thinking about what you said and I think you're suicidal, I'm worried. Suicide isn't something to joke about, but you wouldn't know that. All jokes aside, come past later, we should speak. You hit me, so you owe me..."

I heard her voicemail.

"Yeah...see you" the line beeped.

I loaded my gun and placed it around my waist before making my way downstairs and out the mansion.
"Nicolas" I called. "I want four sets and one at each corner of the meet"

"The guys are set" Nicolas said as I heard guns click and load.

"Remember, nothing but a few signed papers. Anything dodgy that goes down, indicate before you fire"

My men nodded.

"Nicolas" Emily appeared at the mansion door.

"Emily" Nicolas sighed.

"This doesn't look like a quick and kind meeting" she looked around at my armed men.


"Bring him back to me" Emily looked my way "In one piece"

I nodded.

"Promise me"

I nodded.

"Say it"

"I'll bring him back in one" I promised.

Emily took once glance of Nicolas before walking back inside.

"A friendly meet?" I smirked "You're still lying to her?"

"Well it's not easy choosing between a brother and a lover, but ofcourse you wouldn't know"

I frowned.
That was a good point.

"Alright, let's go" I waved at my men.

Throughout the car ride, all I could think about was the relationship with Ella and Jack.
Was their more going on then I could see?
She was fucking me but fucking him too?

Just that thought alone sent shivers down my spine and caused my entire body to heat.

"Josh?" Nicolas called "We're here buddy"

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