Chapter 19

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !


I walked towards her and grabbed her arm, pulling her towards me as I placed my other arm around her hip before slamming her into the back wall.

She gasped and looked up at me through her long lashes as her red lips parted.

"That was mean" she whispered.

"Why are you in red, Ella?" I asked, looking down at her exposed neckline.

"It's my favourite colour" she smiled, almost like a child who picked out something they loved and I had just asked why.

I placed my mouth by her neck, placing a gentle peck before sniffing her lightly.
"Dior" I whispered "Interesting choice, but I think heat is more your type"

"Not a fan of her to buy her perfume" she spoke as if I was up against her.

I sucked at her collar bone and by my ears I could hear her breathing increase, desperate to release a moan but trying to keep character.

"So tell me" I left my hand at her hip as the other ran down her body. "Is it all red?" I asked, grabbing the bottom of her dress and lifting it up as my hands ran along her smooth skin.

"Take a guess" she whispered, stopping me just before her panties appeared.

"If it's red" I whispered by her lips "I'm going to fuck you way to hard for your liking"

Ella gulped but didn't say a word. She moved her hands and I continued to lift up the dress.
Her red laced panties appeared and I fell to my knees.
I made sure the dress was up to her waist and both her legs exposed including her panties.

My mouth in length of her sex, I placed a kiss while the panties remained. I kissed the laced fabric, feeling just bits of her skin as I made my way down her sex. Wrapping my fingers around the side of her panties, I pulled them down to her feet and removed them.

I grabbed each side of her waist and looked at her treasure, once again placing a kiss at the tip of her sex without any fabric on.

Ella placed a hand on my head and I looked up at her with a smirk. "You're pulling me away, but you'll pull me in" I licked my bottom lip.

She smiled lightly.

I remained on my knees, separating her legs.
I saw the goosebumps cover her entire body, affected by my touch.
Leaning in, I continued kissing her sex before tiling my head and finding my tongue around her sex.

Ella moaned lightly, gripping the back of my head tightly with her fingers.

I ran my tongue around her sex, licked, sucked and kissed her pleasurably.

Ella's moans were careful to remain at a certain level but she was struggling.

I raised a hand and inserted a finger and then two inside of her as I remained pleasuring her with my tongue.

She gasped, her body pushed tightly up against the wall as her hand forced my head deeper into her.

I began thrusting with my fingers and looked up at her.

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