Chapter 22

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I got out of bed from sounds of fiddling and slamming cupboards. I sighed, rubbing the side of my head as my arm ached in light pain.
Still dressed in my pants, I left the bed shirtless and made my way out.

"Morning" I smiled, watching Ella fiddle in the kitchen in a knee high, white shirt that had me curious if it was hers or Jacks.

"Hi" Ella tried to ignore me, continuing to fiddle around the kitchen.

"You know, you can look around without banging so much" I rubbed the back of my head, taking a seat at one of the stools behind the bench top.

"Thanks, I'll take the advice" she slammed one more cupboard shut.

Well, so much for attitude and a fucked up morning.


"Sure" I'm glad she's still concerned about me, at least what I thought.

She cracked three eggs and scrambled them, before toasting bread and bringing chopped tomatoes, cucumbers and some olives.

"Did Jack teach you..." I sarcastically said, beginning to eat some tomatoes.

"How about we have a nice, silent and quick breakfast. Then you could call one of your men to take you home" she faked a large smile before looking away.

"How about we have a good morning without any attitude or sarcasm?" I watched as she grabbed milk from the fridge.

"Just eat and leave" she climbed up onto the bench, opened the milk carton and just gulped out of it.

"You like milk?"

"I love milk" she looked down at the carton "I mean it's nice with cereal but I love just drinking it plainly"

I smiled weakly, watching her bare legs swing against the bench.

"I get it" Ella chuckled "Trying to have a 'good morning'"

I laughed, throwing an olive or two in my mouth "If my mornings are good, the rest of my day doesn't tend to go too bad"

"Wait, you're like that too?" Ella pointed "If you wake up all cranky and shit, the rest of your day is like that too?"

"Generally, my life is always black" I continued to eat.

"Yeah" Ella giggled "I figured that out"

I wanted to bring up the fact I could hear her cry all night, but I didn't want to ruin her morning.
I guess the strongest of us are those who go to sleep crying but wake up with a smile.
She was stronger than I could ever be.


"Mm" she hummed as she sipped milk.

"I'm sorry about your head"

"It's fine" she ran her fingers through her loosely tied hair. "Well it's not fine that you hit me, but it's fine now"

I rolled my eyes. I do really hope she understands she put me in that position.

I continued eating while she remained seated on the bench, silent for several minutes.

My phone rings and I reach for my side pocket, licking a finger or two, I slide it open and put it on speaker.

"JOSH!" Emily yelled through the phone "You're so damn lucky Nicolas wasn't the one SHOT!"

I scratched the side of my jaw and listened to her mother like lecture.

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