Chapter 39

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"Maybe we should...hold it off for a while" I whispered, looking shamefully at Jack.

Jack sighed and let out a deep breath "Did you sleep with me to get back at Josh?"

I frowned "What?"

"Did you sleep with me to get back at Josh"

"No" I groaned "Ofcourse not"

"You sleep once with me and Josh awkwardly finds out the next day, like you walked up to him like hey Josh I slept with Jack, take that"

"You're just mad" I whispered, taking the mini break into consideration.

"Mad?" Jack frowned "I'm not here to sleep around, Ella"

I shook my head and walked away.
Jack grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

"Jack, you're grabbing me too tight" I gasped.

Jack's grip remained tight around my arm.

"Jack" I shoved him lightly.

"Do you love him Ella?" he whispered down my neck.

"Let me go" I gulped.

"Do you love him?!" his grip all of a sudden got tighter.

I shoved him harder this time, forcing him to let me go. "What is wrong with you?" I frowned deeply, taking a few steps back.

Jack ran his hand across the back of his head and sighed.
"Tell me" he walked towards me.

I stopped walking away, somewhat feeling worried and slight fear.

He reached for his pocket and grabbed out three tests.
"Is it his?"

My jaw dropped, before attempting to snatch the pregnancy tests from him.
I was stupid enough to take several tests, thinking maybe one would end up negative and this was all just a dream, but I didn't take the doctors words serious.

"Where did you find them?" I asked, "Give them to me" I reached out once more.

Jack took a few steps back and shoved me lightly.

I flinched, feeling his anger over my shadow.
I didn't answer, I didn't want to.

Jack laughed and placed the tests back into his pocket.
"Does he know at least?"

I looked up at him and whispered in fear, "This isn't anyone's business"

"Oh" Jack smirked "You have another human growing inside of you and it isn't anyones business"

"Why do you care so much?" I curiously asked.

Jack pushed up against me, causing me to gasp in slight fear. He ran his hand around my neck and down towards my waist.
"Because I've been trying to get you to fall for me Ella, but you're out and about fucking Josh and having his baby"

"It's not like that" I whispered, looking up at him through my lashes.

Jack grabbed my arm and shoved me up against the lounge room wall.
His chest tightly against mine, keeping me against the wall within his grip.
"So tell me how it is?" Jack panted "Tell me"


He placed a hand against my stomach and applied pressure.
"Is it important?"

"Jack" I gasped "Please stop" I grabbed his hand with both of my own, attempting to stop the pressure against my stomach, but he was too strong.

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