Chapter 13

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Mature - Read at your own RISK !

3 days later...


I had accepted the fact, just three days ago I had stabbed a man and I was randomly taken hostage. Linda is still traumatised but she's doing alright.

On the weekends, I didn't work.
So I was excited for tonight, my night.

I finished curling my hair, before applying another layer of red lipstick and straightening my body-fitted red dress down to my knees.
With red platform heels and a diamond necklace, I left my bedroom and made sure I turned on the new security feature in my penthouse before locking it all down.

Leaving my town, I drove down to Josh's company.
I had called Nicolas before hand, asking him where Josh was so I could exchange a few words.
He was apparently gathering a few papers at the main company tonight. Hopefully not gathering a few more ladies on his desk.

I pulled up at his company and parked downstairs in the staff parking. Ironically the security guards didn't say anything, probably still remembering Ella, the old submissive of Sir.

Making my way up to the last floor, I left the elevator, turning heads with the claps of my heels and the red dress, possibly the shining necklace.
I smiled my way through, holding my keys tightly, not carrying a purse or a phone.
Without knocking on Josh's office door, I opened it wide and walked in, slamming it shut.

Josh turned around to face me behind his office desk as he spoke to a man by him.

His expression was priceless.

Frowning, he waved the man beside him off and shoved him out.
The man scanned my body once, before eventually leaving.

"To what do I owe-"

"Shh" I hissed, taking a few steps towards him. "You owe me"

Josh smirked lightly, yet secretly. "Owe you?"
Josh licked his bottom lip and rolled up one loose white sleeve as the other was rolled up.

"Mariam" I added, tossing the pen onto his desk "Isn't that one thing?" I leaned forward.

"It is so" Josh leaned forward.

"So do you want it or not?" I teased with my voice as I flicked my hair off my shoulders to show some cleavage.

"Meet me downstairs"

"No" I made my way around his desk. "Here"

"What?" Josh frowned.

I placed a hand on his chest gently, picking it lightly. "Take me here" I whispered.

Somehow, those three words drove him insane.
Josh swiped his hand across his table, causing a few things to push aside and some to fall off.
Turning my way, he grabbed my waist and held me up to place me onto the desk running his hand down to my heels, he grabbed them and tossed them both aside.

Moving his hands against my legs, up towards my thighs, he was quick to pull my tight dress up to expose my red laced panties.

"Only you in red, can drive me this crazy" he whispered by my neck, placing soft kisses around as his hands worked around my hips. He wrapped his fingers around my panties and pulled them down towards my toes before removing them completely.

A part of me was thinking about the unlocked office door and if they could see us through the closed curtains. Though a part of me knew Josh was possessive and wouldn't let a soul witness this.

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