Chapter 41

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If you tried to explain the type of pain, they would only ignore you.

Have you ever been in love and the other person doesn't care or moves on?
It fucking kills to the point you can't sleep until your tears reach God or your other option is to drink until your throat in on fire.
During the day, you either find plenty of bullshit to keep you distracted and okay or have several mental breakdowns during the day.

Fun isn't it.

My phone rings and i'm not surprised Sylvesters' name crosses it.
"Yeah" I answer,

"We need to seal a deal tomorrow morning"

"Can you change the date?" I rolled my eyes.

"Tomorrow morning" he groaned.

"I'm busy"

"So am I" he hissed, almost like he was mad at me for rejecting.

"Sylvester, the day after" I listed.

"Tomorrow morning"

The phone beeped.

I ignored him and watched the hotel Ella stayed at that night, unsure which apartment, I gasped with the empty alcohol bottle in my hand.
For some reason my throat wasn't the only thing on fire, my heart and mind were in it together.

I could almost feel my eyes swell with the amount of pain hidden.

A part of me wanted to go to her and a part of me was in too much pain to move.

I covered my eyes, seeing the darkness within the palm of my hands and felt instant tears be caught within.

Jesus, I guess feeling your heart outside of your chest unprotected fucking makes you a walking dead.

For several minutes I sat there trying to understand my pain, in other words, think of ways to help myself heal.

Until sirens were heard and numerous people rushed out of their homes and apartments, as many of them appeared on their balconies.

I frowned and opened my car door, stepping out to see what was going on.

Police cars, an ambulance and firefighters.
All three?
That's rather unusual.

I walked on over towards the hotel, noticing the receptionist outside with several people.

"Hey" I frowned, grabbing him by the shoulder blade, "What's going on?"

"Someone is on the rooftop, planning to jump maybe"

My frown got deeper, "Should be me" I whispered.

"I'm sorry Sir?"

"Is there an evacuation?" I asked, watching people continue to leave the hotel.

"Yes" the receptionist nodded "We need to mark down who it might be"

I nodded, standing beside him for minutes on end, watching him mark off names as I waited for Ella to appear amongst the rest.

Yet, she was the only one on the list unmarked.

The officer grabbed his mic and spoke, "Ella" he said, echoing the name through the street "Please come down or my men will make their way up"

For a second, my heart stopped, almost like I had died for a second before snapping back into reality.

I pushed past the receptionist and people, racing past the entrance door and through the hallway.

"SIR!" several people yelled.

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